Drug dealer to write essay in place of community service
A convicted drug dealer has avoided more than 200 hours of community service by agreeing to write a 5,000 word essay as an alternative punishment.
Terry Bennett has to hand in the finished product by April 4 or his 18 month suspended sentence could be activated and he could face prison Photo: SWNS
By Edward Malnick
3:02PM GMT 26 Mar 2013
Terry Bennett, 32, was sentenced to a one-year suspended prison sentence and ordered to carry out 240 hours of unpaid work, after being found with almost a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of cannabis.
But the probation service later said that the father-of-two had a longstanding shoulder injury, arising from a snowboarding accident, which prevented him from carrying out even light work.
Bennett then reappeared in court where Judge Julian Lambert told him to write a 5,000-word essay on the negative effects of cannabis instead of carrying out the unpaid community service.
If he fails to hand in the finished product by April 4 his 18 month suspended sentence could be activated and he would face prison.
Bennett, who has no previous convictions, was told to write the essay during an appearance at Bristol Crown Court last Thursday.
The former plumber said he asked the judge if he could write a "balanced" essay weighing up the arguments around smoking cannabis - but his request was refused.
He said: "I asked the judge if I could write a balanced argument for and against cannabis, but he said that since it's illegal, I should only write about the bad things.
"I'm just going to do my best to write about certain dangers caused by cannabis that people might not necessarily know."
Bennett, who left school at 16 after finishing his GCSEs, has started work on the essay, which he has been researching on the internet.
He said: "Hopefully the essay should be quite good but it's been ages since I last wrote an essay. I have already done a bit of research.
"I'm going to approach it from a different angle, writing about the dangers that come about because it is illegal, rather than the nature of weed itself.
"Weed often causes more problems because of the social inertia and stigma that surrounds it.
"I've got a drugs conviction, so for me to subsequently take on a more serious role in society, it is imperative that I prove to everyone I meet that I'm clean and steering clear of cannabis, purely because it is illegal."
Bennett, who lives with his mother in the village of Cold Ashton, South Glos., injured his shoulder in a fall while snowboarding six years ago.
The accident left his right arm separated from his shoulder blade by about half an inch. He now has limited movement in the limb.
In January last year he admitted possession with intent to supply but said he was then unable to carry out the community work.
"My shoulder is so bad I can't really do much," he said. "So it was nice but a bit of a shock to be given such an unusual punishment."
Bennett believes that many of the problems associated with cannabis are caused by its status as an illegal drug, rather than by the harmful effects of the substance itself.
He added: "If the Government is worried about the health risks, shouldn't cannabis be made legal so it can be monitored, in much the same way as tobacco and alcohol are?
"Weed can make you paranoid but the fact it is illegal creates more of a barrier for people dealing with cannabis problems.
"By the nature of man, some people develop problems or issues with certain things, and cannabis is no exception.
"Regulation by an official body could help people with cannabis problems. Everybody knows that you can get help quitting smoking or if you're an alcoholic.
"It would be good if there was no stigma attached to people who want help with weed."
In addition to the essay, which will have to be submitted to his probation office, Judge Lambert imposed a four-month curfew on Bennett, restricting his movements between 8pm and 8am.
Bennett has drawn up five bullet points on which his essay on the negative effects of cannabis will be based:
It changes your mentality, and cause psychotic episodes.
The stigma of being associated with cannabis can damage your social standing.
It's illegal and the money generated is not taxable, meaning it costs the Government rather than being a potential source of revenue.
People get ripped off as unscrupulous dealers up their profit by mixing the drugs with sand.
When consumed in certain ways, most notably being smoked with tobacco, cannabis can cause cancer, especially mouth cancers.