Dear Frens,
if AMK has a BE than I hope the Opposition will work together to give LHL a run for his money. I believe that now, more people are Tulan with PAP, with PRC bus driver and all that crap. A lot of PAP policies are starting to unravel proving the fallibility of the PAP. And the danger of the 1 party state run by incompetents within the PAP. If the Oppos can combine to send a team like an oppo dream team,,it will be great,,but if there is going to be a multi party fight, I would advise WP to not participate at all. Hougang is an SMC so its bound to remain in WP hands. Hougang residents has got the 1st hand benefits of WP's control. I doubt they will want to loose it.
If there is multi party fights. lets say PAP, NSP & RP, RP will be bound to loose deposit.if WP contest, other opposition parties will loose the deposit but WP will not win. If the oppos are united, it should be strictly PAP vs WP.
Now for an Oppo dream team and if WP dont want to participate, I believe it should be, Ben Pwee, TJS, NS, Vincent W, and CST..but too me CST is too old, he should just retire.
that is my take..comments please