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Dr Lee Wei Ling: Her Life


Skipped from Pri 1to Pri 3

Ran up the Great Wall of China

Stopped murder Kissinger from entering Oxley once - "Why you want to see my Pa?"

Was tutored in Economics by Lee Suet Fern father whom daughter could not go to his funeral

Did medical training in Boston USA

Around same time, got Ah Neh Bf (unnamed). He was brought up during a pre- cabinet meeting causing Pinky to slap AhNeh Dhana

Wasnt exactly the best neurologist misdiagnosed someone

Of course, famous for calling Pinky dishourable

Got lost and fell down in a park in SG






Indian Gentleman got
compose a Song for
Ling or not ? :redface:

At least singer Danny Chan
did one for Pansy Ho :tongue:

Tiagong , Ling still misses
the Indian Gentleman.

Very sad indeed ...


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Did she meet that Indian gentleman, when she was at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children?


Skipped from Pri 1to Pri 3

Did medical training in Boston USA

Around same time, got Ah Neh Bf (unnamed). He was brought up during a pre- cabinet meeting causing Pinky to slap AhNeh Dhana

Did she meet that Indian gentleman, when she was at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children?

Thanks for update.

That would likely make
that Indian Gentleman a Medical
Doctor ...

Will he be attending the wake and
funeral ?


Karate black belt at age 15 or 16.
The alleged LHL slapping Dhanabalan appears to be unrelated to LWL apparent dating an Indian gentleman.

Did their dating brought them together
to Machu Picchu, Peru ?

Very sad indeed.

Had she not mentor Lee's daughter
things might turn out differently ...
