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Dr Koh PK , genuine fraud?


'Mah Bow Tan' and the word 'integrity' cannot be used in the same sentence. That rat-faced crook was the main culprit why housing prices had went out of control. He kept insisting that HDB prices were 'affordable' without implementing any sensible cooling measures.

Mah Bow Tan was also responsible for single-handedly destroying Singapore's football development. Remember Goal 2010? 'Not a goal, but a rethink'?

Mah Bow Tan has NO integrity. End of story.

One sentence: Mah Bow Tan is a son of a bitch. Even when he was the transport minister, wasn't he the one who started the COE?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
He started by creating the impression that he was humble fella, taking the bus to work. Then it transpired that he had not one, but two cars. Nobody would have begrudged him if he and his wife drives top range MB and BMW, with driver.

About the BMW. I was told it was a brand new 5 series bought in 2008. The registration plate though, is an old number. Which means he owned another car prior to buying this BMW. The question is, was that old car a 2nd hand one or a new one? If it was new, he would have bought it in 1998, at the time he claim he couldn't afford the renovation and only had $11.50 in the pocket. May be he bought it 2nd hand. Only he can answer that.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
One sentence: Mah Bow Tan is a son of a bitch. Even when he was the transport minister, wasn't he the one who started the COE?

Mah Bow Tan is the worse minister in history. I am certain his bad legacy will live in Singapore history book for many generations to come. Unfortunately, Goh Meng Seng, the political self-proclaimed well known election strategist cum barking guard dog, was not able to wrestle enough votes to topple MBT. Why huh, Goh Meng Seng? This questing has been nagging me for years. Should I blame his political party or the voters?
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Mah Bow Tan is the worse minister in history. I am certain his bad legacy will live in Singapore history book for many generations to come. Unfortunately, Goh Meng Seng, the political self-proclaimed well known election strategist cum barking guard dog, was not able to wrestle enough votes to topple MBT. Why huh, Goh Meng Seng? This questing has been nagging me for years. Should I blame his political party or the voters?

His band of merry men in the Tampines team were not the most sparkling of personalities. In fact I don't recall anyone at all.


It does seem weird that a person of his intelligence and life experience cannot even make sure that his lies are bullet proof.

In the first place, why the need to bs on being poor. This has never been pap line of self promotion. Lky himself even made sure that people knew that he was rich before taking office. Bargain hen was openly touted as a very well paid doctor. Sinkies never have much problem with rich candidates so long as the wealth is legitimate, and Koh is not even filthy rich yet.

Koh could have easily angled his campaign on the typical pap model. After all his professional credential is strong and people generally trust a medical doctor.

i agree. he shouldn't have 画蛇添足。now he just comes across as a bit hmmm...

the fact that anyone has been poor before doesn't mean he will necessarily look out for those who still are. i really hope we won't hear any more of these stories from future election candidates from any party.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mah Bow Tan is the worse minister in history. I am certain his bad legacy will live in Singapore history book for many generations to come. Unfortunately, Goh Meng Seng, the political self-proclaimed well known election strategist cum barking guard dog, was not able to wrestle enough votes to topple MBT. Why huh, Goh Meng Seng? This questing has been nagging me for years. Should I blame his political party or the voters?

Maybe they were both "ah kor".."ah Kor" , 'ga gee lan"..


Alfrescian (Inf)
'Mah Bow Tan' and the word 'integrity' cannot be used in the same sentence. That rat-faced crook was the main culprit why housing prices had went out of control. He kept insisting that HDB prices were 'affordable' without implementing any sensible cooling measures.

Mah Bow Tan was also responsible for single-handedly destroying Singapore's football development. Remember Goal 2010? 'Not a goal, but a rethink'?

Mah Bow Tan has NO integrity. End of story.

Wonder what would LKY say. I recall LKY praised MBT skyhigh when the latter took on CST. Even compared their "O" level results. MBT should have been marginalised many years ago. His continued presence hindered progress. Better late than never. Finally removed together with WKS and RL but left Cabinet a multi-millionaire. Not too bad for being obedient.


He was chosen because of his compelling story. After the talk about being out of touch with common folks and ministers making millions of $$ and living in large bungalows, about going for French cooking classes, we are beginning to see some taking the MRT to show they are one of us.

Koh's datapoints fit, poor family, still staying in HDB, oh did I mention from poor famliy, drives a Toyota etc etc.

In the end, he will become MP of Punggol and still dedicate the majority of his time to being a doctor. If he really wants the kudos, quit his medical profession and become a full time MP to serve.

After all since he stays in HDB and wife works as a doctor he can easily afford to make some sacrifices for Punggol.

Instead all we will see is another tagline on his exhaustive CV, MP Punggol,

Force 136

Alfrescian (Inf)
Remember Ng Pock Too?

Ng first stood for Parliament at the 1984 general election in the constituency of Anson, where he was defeated the incumbent MP, the leader of the Workers' Party, J.B. Jeyaretnam, by 7,533 votes (43.2%) to 9,909 (56.8%).
At the 1988 general election, Ng was elected as the MP for Nee Soon Central. He won 13,396 votes (57.6%), defeating the candidate of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), Cheo Chai Chen, who earned 8,944 votes (38.5%), and Giam Lai Cheng of the United People's Front (UPF), who garnered 914 votes (3.9%).
During his term in Parliament, Ng served as the Chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Defence and Foreign Affairs.
At the 1991 general election, Ng was defeated in Nee Soon Central in a surprise result by the SDP's Cheo Chai Chen (who he had previously defeated at the 1988 general election). In a very close result, Cheo won with 12,709 votes (50.3%) to Ng's 12,541 (49.7%)

Dr Koh will join him soon in the footnotes of Singapore's history.....


Wonder what would LKY say. I recall LKY praised MBT skyhigh when the latter took on CST. Even compared their "O" level results. MBT should have been marginalised many years ago. His continued presence hindered progress. Better late than never. Finally removed together with WKS and RL but left Cabinet a multi-millionaire. Not too bad for being obedient.

That short arse horse continued to be a pain in the private sector.


So much for the MIW characters.


My greatest wish is for WP to have a resounding victory. This colorectal doctor is such a fake.
How will Punggol East residents lift their head high if they voted in such a pretentious MP ?


The general sense on the ground after 9 days, of the PAP candidate is not all that rosy. For the first time in PAP's history since Singapore's independence, people from all walks of life are concerned about the character of this candidate.

In view of the strict selection process that the PSP is noted for, the individual attributes of PAP candidates in the past have not been an issue. Even when Mah Bow Tan, Kenneth Chen, Desmond Choo and other PAP candidates lost to opposition candidates, their integrity was never an issue. Not in this case.

First his incredible rags, to rags, to rags, to rags and then riches story which he constantly sees a need to drum into everyone like a tout selling high priced black market tickets in desperation as the event draws near. Then his extensive CV which is beyond believe and even if he does all these things in a calendar year assuming there are 7 days in a week, the need to put up such a CV seems like the guy needs constant reaffirmation of himself from others.

There is a video of this man and his response to an important question about healthcare for our ageing Singaporeans was not only avoided but the manner it was avoided was shocking. As result, the PAP had to call a meeting to address this and Dr Amy Khor was roped in to to address this at the last PAP rally.

The question was in healthcare and medical field and this guy is a surgeon and if you look at his CV, its full of his engagement with the medical fraternity and he actually avoided a question of this nature shows a man who is ready to walk away when he feels like it and there was no sign of discomfort, unease or the lack of confidence. It was done with clear disdain.

If he can't even answer a question in a field where he is a professional, how is he going to answer questions and queries from residents on housing, welfare, education, the economy etc. Its a worry. Those who are unsure, please see the video on Youtube for yourself as the reporter painstakingly puts out the question. Watch this candidates mannerism. If a family member provided a similar response even to a bus driver with such mannerism, I would immediately apologise. Disgraceful.

Now comes the trivia. Why is the need to drive the toyota and hide the BMW. Why did he reply to reporters that he has 2 cars as both he and his wife are professionals. Note the reply. Smacks of elitism. The fact is that his clinic is in Mt E and he caters for rich Indonesian clients as he has a website in Bahasa Indonesia. Nothing in Mandarin and I suppose there are no local towkays who speak mandarin.

We are not looking at a Tan Cheng Bock neither are we looking at a Paul Tambiyah, both of whom one can sense a genuine aura of care and passion surrounding them. And they are medical doctors like him having come from the same medical school. Both are well known for their community concern and spirit.

But this guys is akin to a cross between a suave and thuggish Lucky Plaza salesman and an Insurance broker. Where did the PAP go wrong. What happened to the renown selection process. The fact that they had to bring down 6 big guns to do door to door while the candidate kept claiming that he is running his own campaign shows that the PAP are more keen to repair their party image than help their candidate who I suspect his co-members have given up.

We are not looking at a political dud.

We are looking at a medical doctor who has a credibility issue. The ikan kuning and biscuit tin was a real stretch. The toyota rather than the BMW is an attempt to mislead. The fact that his CV does not show a single sign of community, social or engagement with charity shows a man who prefers to look after himself. I am sure we all agree that RC work is a political activity.

Still hogging public housing to get the best returns despite his earning capacity shows a man detached from the concerns of the ordinary Singaporean. Why not release his public housing to help ease the supply for young couples and help with the birth rate.

People are genuinely intrigued how PAP picked a man who twice and on 2 separate occasions had to tell reporters that he is not looking for sympathy votes despite constantly harping on poor background which cannot be verified. The fact that reporters are asking repeatedly shows that there is a concern from the public.

The fact that both husband and wife who are medical doctors, thus earning a double income struggling to buy a HDB flat and even a pair of chopstick is a shocker. Who in his right mind will peddle this stuff? Where did the salary go to? Why the need to borrow from a uncle? All these claims simply do not add up.

If two medical doctors struggle to buy a single HDB flat what about bus drivers, cooks, clerks, hawkers, school teachers, and all those who contribute to this country in their own small way?

The pen is mightier than the sword. Bro Scro, your article is enough to send PAP losing this BE. Very succinct analysis.

Excellent in my view.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mah Bow Tan has NO integrity. End of story.

To qualify as pee-a-pee scumbag, lack of integrity is a much needed quality. But I agree the shit we are in lies in this motherfucker shorty's hands.

And his fucking smile is that of an evil man happy with his evil achievements.


Good analysis and background info.

Suggest to pin this thread as it will be useful come 2016 so that no need to redo this exercise again!