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Dr Jeremy Ng, SGH head of surgery, suffered cardiac arrest while jogging and kicked the bucket


old news lah, why resurrect it? Would rather see some whites die or the obituaries of the two four board fucks on this forum


At this age one should know own limit and not to go jogging running etc.
People have the wrong thinking that to keep fit one need to jog but this is rubbish. It will make it worst and fasten death.
Just go walk, it will be better for your heart.

Jogging is never going to reverse flaccidity. With that in mind, men will stop jogging for sure.

Stay with young ladies (under 28) and your libido will be normal.

When laochees beg for attention, just press the ignore button and wave them away. Laochees are like anaesthesia.


He should have change to a parking lot with less Ominous no.


Robert Half

At this age one should know own limit and not to go jogging running etc.
People have the wrong thinking that to keep fit one need to jog but this is rubbish. It will make it worst and fasten death.
Just go walk, it will be better for your heart.

You are right bro … walking is good :thumbsup:



Robert Half

Once you are above 35, never ever go for long distance jogging, esp. doing high speed strenuous run/cycling just to impress the ladies.
You can GG anytime. Ask Sim Wong Woo, former NTUC Learning hub CEO and many others, all GG.

Always remember...


At 35 .. the last time I had passed my 2.4km & earned $100 incentive but was that long long time ago

Now I can only walk & I dun even do cardio exercise like jumping jacks anymore :biggrin: