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Dr Earl Bradley must face Firing Squad -



Under US law he don't get shot, life imprisonment at the most. But someone better kill him in prison.:mad::oIo:


Bradley trial over w/o verdict; Explicit child sex abuse detailed
<table border="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr> <td>By Amy Cherry</td> <td align="right"> </td> </tr></tbody></table>
Updated Wednesday, June 8, 2011 - 7:24am

<table class="titlebar" align="left" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="240"> <tbody><tr> <td bgcolor="white">
</td> </tr><tr> <td class="titlebar">Earl Bradley</td></tr></tbody></table>The child sexual assault trial of former Dr. Earl Bradley is now in the hands of a judge, but he's not saying when a verdict might come.

WDEL's Amy Cherry was inside the courtroom, where graphic details were made known for the first time.

When Dr. Bradley administered shots to children, he would give them popsicles because he said sugar helped with the pain.

Parents thought it was a nice thing for him to do.

But the pain he may've meant was the kind toddlers endured when Bradley would stick his hands down their diapers or force them to perform oral sex on him until they couldn't breathe.

89 assaults are caught on 13 hours of video evidence, each frame viewed by Detective Scott Garland with the State Police High Tech Crime Unite.

"The level of violence went beyond anything I had ever seen. Nothing prepared me for that," testified Garland.

While watching one of the videos, Garland says he stood up and yelled at Bradley, "Let her go!" as the child yelped out a blood curdling scream.

In another assault Garland describes, a child is dying in front of him. He says the girl was choking and slapping Bradley's leg pleading for him to stop, when she went limp. He says Bradley picked her up by the head and tossed her aside like "trash."

He says the child's face was gray; her fingernails blue. Bradley then gives her mouth-to-mouth to resuscitate her. When she wakes up, he says, "Let's go get a popsicle!" before bringing her upstairs to her mother.

Garland says most child sex abusers go out of their way to shield their identities, but not Bradley. He says Bradley goes out of his way to ensure he and his victims are prominently displayed in all 89 videos.

Garland says some of the assaults happened with parents right there in the room. He says at least one parent questioned a vaginal exam to confirm her daughter's ADHD diagnosis. Bradley had cameras hidden underneath the examination table. He also had pen cameras kept in the breast pocket of his scrubs.

Court adjourned at 3:30pm Tuesday, after starting at 10:15am.

The prosecution only called two witnesses, Garland and Detective Thomas Elliott, who worked for DSP's Major Crimes unit in Georgetown when Bradley was arrested.

The defense offered no cross-examination and no witnesses.

Bradley was in the courtroom in Sussex County Superior Court in Georgetown, looking frail but well-kempt. When standing, he kept his hands behind his back, as though they were cuffed. He answered just a few brief questions from Judge William Carpenter and did not testify.

The former doctor faces a consolidated indictment consisting of 14 counts of child rape, five counts of assault, and five counts of sexual exploitation of a child. All of the victims in this indictment are two-years-old. Just one of the victims is a boy.

The indictment alleges Jane Doe #39 is the two-year-old daughter of Bradley's former employee.

Judge Carpenter has hours of video evidence to watch before he'll issue a ruling.


Former Delaware pediatrician awaits judge ruling on child rape charges

BNO News


By BNO News LEWES, DELAWARE (BNO NEWS) -- A former pediatrician from the state of Delaware is now awaiting the judge's ruling against him as he faces 24 child sexual abuse-related charges, including rape and exploitation, local media reported Wednesday.
Earl Bradley, originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania but operated in Lewes, Delaware, was indicted in February 2010 on 471 charges for allegedly raping, exploiting, and molesting 103 child patients. Two months later, he was charged with 58 more offenses for abusing another 24 victims.
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Delaware State Police Detective Scott Garland of the High Technology Crimes Unit was the chief witness against Bradley, as he obtained around 13 hours of harsh video evidence when searching Bradley's home and office under an issued warrant, the Sussex Countian reported.
The video evidence, which includes 89 incidents with 86 different victims, was given to Superior Court Judge William C. Carpenter Jr. for further examination, but according to Garland's testimony, the videos show Bradley forcing several child victims being forced to perform oral sex on him. In some occasions, the child is seen nearly choked to death, while in other incidents, the victims' parents were in the same room, separated only by a drape, as Bradley would perform 'routine examinations.'
Bradley's victims were averagely aged around three years old, and include children as young as three months old, while the eldest include two 14-year-old girls. The original charges were consolidated into 24 charges, including 14 first-degree rape, 5 second degree assault and 5 sexual exploitation of a child charges.
Bradley, if convicted, could be sentenced to life in prison for each of the 14 rape charges, in addition to the assault and sexual exploitation of a child charges. Judge Carpenter did not issue a scheduled verdict, but it would be read in open court at a later date, he said.
(Copyright 2011 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: [email protected].)