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Dr Chee, a real threat to PAP... Democratically Speaking


Chee and SDP touched a raw nerve when they start talking alot about more openness, transparency and accountability because it is something PAP is very sensitive about and also something which cannot be changed under the present leadership. On the other hand when opposition parties such as WP mention bread and butter issues, they are the least worry simply because with the resources at their disposal they can readily deliver the goods ....if buses are crowded or hospital beds not enough, they can purchase more buses or build more hospitals. If trains are too congested they can build more mrt lines. And they can launch HDB flats as and when to meet the changing demand. So really it is quite obvious why they are coming down hard on SDP and not other opposition parties...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Chee and SDP touched a raw nerve when they start talking alot about more openness, transparency and accountability because it is something PAP is very sensitive about and also something which cannot be changed under the present leadership. On the other hand when opposition parties such as WP mention bread and butter issues, they are the least worry simply because with the resources at their disposal they can readily deliver the goods ....if buses are crowded or hospital beds not enough, they can purchase more buses or build more hospitals. If trains are too congested they can build more mrt lines. And they can launch HDB flats as and when to meet the changing demand. So really it is quite obvious why they are coming down hard on SDP and not other opposition parties...

On the contrary, PAP can give things like openness and transparency free whereas buses and hospital beds need money to build and the money will have to come from the salaries of PAP and its kakis all over the private sector.


SDP's issue is not the PAP, its the voters. Why would PAP worry about a party that has not got a seat in parliament. What is there to fear? They ignored the West, sued the International press etc.

They like all incumbents fear losing seats. Nothing do with rhetoric. These guys got thick skins.

Chee and SDP touched a raw nerve when they start talking alot about more openness, transparency and accountability because it is something PAP is very sensitive about and also something which cannot be changed under the present leadership. On the other hand when opposition parties such as WP mention bread and butter issues, they are the least worry simply because with the resources at their disposal they can readily deliver the goods ....if buses are crowded or hospital beds not enough, they can purchase more buses or build more hospitals. If trains are too congested they can build more mrt lines. And they can launch HDB flats as and when to meet the changing demand. So really it is quite obvious why they are coming down hard on SDP and not other opposition parties...


The ruling party only fears losing the two third majority.

Losing 12 seats come 2016 is not an issue. It's been priced in.


Believe me bro. Nothing to do with what you stated above.

CSJ has been in the opposition camp for 20 years now, that is a looooong time to spend "undercover" as an agent. he must be very dedicated to the PAP cause to be such a deep undercover :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
CSJ has been in the opposition camp for 20 years now, that is a looooong time to spend "undercover" as an agent. he must be very dedicated to the PAP cause to be such a deep undercover :rolleyes:

"Sleepers' are known to have slept for more than 20 years before they are activated. Nothing extra-ordinary. As long as one is paid adequately well even while 'asleep', no problem.


"Sleepers' are known to have slept for more than 20 years before they are activated. Nothing extra-ordinary. As long as one is paid adequately well even while 'asleep', no problem.

bro, I said to look out for the quotes right, here is one of them: (another is in another thread, but better don't go there, a lot of vulgarity :biggrin: )

"papa is such a good, kind and decent man, because he is sooooooooooooooo good to his family members".

clue: you and I were never and are not his family members, that's why I still strongly disagree with you.

hope u understand my point, because that's all I can say. :smile:


Some people think Chee has been a PAP mole for 2 decades. There are yet others who think people like Sylvia and Pritam are in fact agents planted by the PAP in WP. These people are saying that WP is now like PAP II behaving and talking more and more like the ruling party.

We will never know the answer. But if the above is true then the strategy is that one mole is working real hard to undermine opposition politics by giving it a bad reputation and at the same time the other group is making every effort to make opposition look good and acceptable to the voters.


There are yet others who think people like Sylvia and Pritam are in fact agents planted by the PAP in WP.


The Workers Party’s most pathetic and dismal performance in parliament is not only peeving off more and more Singaporeans, but is also getting on the nerves of fellow opposition leaders.

In his latest article on his blog on the discrepancies in the figures for Singapore reserves, Reform Party Secretary-General Kenneth Jeyaretnam expressed his disappointment at the Workers Party MPs for not bringing up the issue in parliament:

“There are certainly questions to answer but which will go unanswered as long as we have an Opposition in Parliament that regards it as its patriotic duty to follow the PAP whip.”

Instead of asking important questions as such in parliament, WP MPs have mostly indulged in ‘bird talk’ so far with the PAP, wasting precious air time by fielding completely irrelevant, frivolous and childish questions on bird droppings, construction materials and carpark parking spaces.

Though the Workers Party is supposedly an ‘opposition’ party, its MPs seem to follow the PAP whip and has been voting according to the wishes of the PAP, leading some to speculate that it has become the unofficial ‘subsidiary party’ of the PAP.

With such an useless ‘opposition’ in parliament, Singaporeans may have to wait for another hundred years or more to know the truth behind the reserves.



This is another idiotic dog talking about glucose syrup during his hunger strike and not the threat.

Doggie stuffychute, you look and sound more idiotic than that KopiO guy. What time are you finishing your idiotic shift for the IB? As usual... 7am?

But did he or did he not take glucose syrup during his hunger strike?


the PAP is very cunning. they are playing up the sentiment that dr chee is here to divide the opposition. just as the WP appears to be unifying the opposition voters, the PAP "unleashes" dr chee by giving him a discount on his fine. they believe he will split the opposition. perhaps chee has learnt from the WP experience and is playing more towards the middle ground. if the SDP seizes a GRC and WP remains status quo after 2016, things will get interesting.

it remains to be seen who will have checkmate. this game of chess is one to watch. outcomes will shape our nation's next lap.

Yes ..agree with u..

In this game, LKY thought he holds his cards close to his chest...but instead, we can read his cards like a dirty book.... his clear intention is to let Chee stir and split the votes...just like what they did on the Presidential election to have his own man..Tony Tan clinched victory by a whisker..

Tan Jee say n Tan Kin Lian did not see this....Otherwise we will have a different President..one who can really open up our messy book..one can can defy convention.

As Dr. Tan Cheng Bock said....Tony Tan was chairman of GSIC..now he is auditing his own works...

I am not comfortable with Tony Tan as our president...


Alfrescian (Inf)
But did he or did he not take glucose syrup during his hunger strike?

I can forgive him for that. It was his early political days and he was naive and stubborn and had the act-hero streak in him. He has never repeated that knowing how childish and silly it appeared by now.

But there are certain things that he has never changed, like fighting security guards over the right to sell at properties the have the right to guard over.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Some people think Chee has been a PAP mole for 2 decades. There are yet others who think people like Sylvia and Pritam are in fact agents planted by the PAP in WP. These people are saying that WP is now like PAP II behaving and talking more and more like the ruling party.

We will never know the answer. But if the above is true then the strategy is that one mole is working real hard to undermine opposition politics by giving it a bad reputation and at the same time the other group is making every effort to make opposition look good and acceptable to the voters.

I agree with you. I know where GoldDragon is coming from but I would rather be discussing the merits and demerits on the open actions of each politician. We will never attribute the correct and balanced credit to each politician if we go on the "mole" track. Someone can even say Mah Bow Tan is a plant to make PAP look bad.

On sidetrack, if WP is becoming more like PAP then they are unlikely to be moles, but it's the same arrogance that crept into PAP creeping into them as well.
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If not for Chee's SDP, I would still be a brainwashed sinkie today. No opposition has done more to expose Kuan Yew for the intellectual pygmy that he is. If Chee is a PAPzi mole, he must be the worst mole in the history of double-crossing. :rolleyes:


If not for Chee's SDP, I would still be a brainwashed sinkie today. No opposition has done more to expose Kuan Yew for the intellectual pygmy that he is. If Chee is a PAPzi mole, he must be the worst mole in the history of double-crossing. :rolleyes:

But but but he minum glucose during his hunger strike leh....


Why is he still fighting for the rights of ungrateful singaporeans?

When many don't appreciate what he has given up for them?

seesuatah hit the G spot of the entire matter!

Politics is always dirty!

either you get voted in or out, by the people... our great LKY vowed to serve the people... it was hip hip hip hooray PAP... good old 60s. fast forward to today... SOME PIGS are MORE EQUAL that other PIGS....

Dr. Chee is fighting for his own right to be one of the MPs in the Parliament. So, he is doing it for himself. Pure and simple. Politics is self serving... it is rare to have a Political Leader that put his/her benefits before his/her people.


Yes ..agree with u..

In this game, LKY thought he holds his cards close to his chest...but instead, we can read his cards like a dirty book.... his clear intention is to let Chee stir and split the votes...just like what they did on the Presidential election to have his own man..Tony Tan clinched victory by a whisker..

Tan Jee say n Tan Kin Lian did not see this....Otherwise we will have a different President..one who can really open up our messy book..one can can defy convention.

even though everyone knows the plan, the outcome still remains the same. the votes will be split and the PAP will scrap through for another 5 years till 2021. democracy is indeed a double edged sword.

in the end, PAP/WP/SDP, its all the same. we'll just end up like the americans with the people being yanked around by the jerk on the left or the asshole on the right.

i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo hungry. in case anyone is reading.