What is the purpose of a condolence? Is it not to give comfort to the family? The deceased does not need any comfort. I think we need to revisit the law of treating a sucidie or attempted suicide as a crime. No one love to commit suicide. No one commit suicide out of choice. For a person to take his own life, he must really be pushed to the edge.
I agree with you completely that SAF should now come out and state that their policy is to advertise condolences for all soldiers who died. There should be no discrimatination. If they had publish condolences discrimately, then they are wrong. But it does not mean that they should continue to be wrong. They did right by advertising the condonlences in Dr Ooi's case. Let's hope that this is the beginning of the 1st step in the right direction. To me, the SAF should go further and render all help to the breaving family, if this has not already done. Dr Ooi's family may be able to take care of themselves, but there are many who do not.