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Dotard Fired Eagle Trade Talk dog, can not mess with China

Shut Up you are Not MM


華府談判團隊內訌 鷹派納瓦羅被除名


11.4k 人追蹤
2018年5月18日 上午6:11

【星島日報報道】中美第二輪經貿談判展開,但有傳美方團隊嚴重內訌,原主導談判的「鷹派」白宮國家貿易委員會主席納瓦羅(Peter Navarro)因與財長努欽矛盾加深,不列作本輪談判的主要代表。努欽取態比較務實,希望與中國盡快促成協議,避免貿易戰爆發。



六十八歲的納瓦羅是大學經濟與公共政策教授,擔任過特朗普競選顧問,著有《致命中國 (Death by China)》、《中國戰爭即將到來(The Coming China Wars)》等書,是民族主義的強烈擁護者,主張對中國商品施加懲罰性關稅,以逼使北京改變貿易做法。特朗普曾表示,幾年前看過納瓦罹的著作,對於書中論點和研究感到欽佩。

Washington Negotiations Team Neige Eagle Navarro Delisted

[Sing Tao Daily]

Star Island Daily

11.4k tracking

May 18, 2018 6:11 AM

The team of the United States transmitted a serious guilty affair, and hawkish officials Navarro were not listed as the main representatives of this round of negotiations.

The Singtao Daily reported that the second round of economic and trade negotiations between China and the United States commenced, but it was rumored that the US team was seriously infighting. The former leader of the "hawks" White House National Trade Committee Chairman Peter Navarro had deepened the conflict with Finance Minister Nuchin. It is not listed as the main representative of this round of negotiations. Nuchin takes a more pragmatic attitude and hopes to promote an agreement with China as soon as possible to avoid the outbreak of a trade war.

According to the announcement of the White House, U.S. officials participating in this round of talks include Finance Minister Nuchin, Trade Representative Latschitzer, Commerce Minister Ross, and Deputy Director of the National Economic Council Eisenstadt. At the beginning of this month, Navalo, a White House trade adviser who was involved in the Beijing negotiations and hard-known for Huaqiang, was not on the list. Bloomberg reported that some U.S. officials believe that Navarro lacks teamwork during the Beijing talks. The Associated Press quoted news that during the time in Beijing, Navarro had a public quarrel with Nuchin.

According to reports, Nuchin tends to have a more viable agreement, prompting China to open financial markets to U.S. companies and ease the threat of tariffs. Persons familiar with the situation said that Navarro and Nuchin had a serious argument during the break in Beijing. They were nervous. Some participants even frankly stated that they really do not know how they will co-exist on long-haul flights between the United States and China.

Navalo, 68, a professor of economics and public policy at the university, served as a campaign advisor to Trump and author of books such as "Death by China" and "The Coming China Wars." It is a strong advocate of nationalism and advocates the imposition of punitive tariffs on Chinese goods in order to force Beijing to change its trading practices. Trump once said that a few years ago he had read Nahua’s works and he admired the arguments and research in the book.

Shut Up you are Not MM


U.S., China to launch trade talks; China hawk Navarro's role reduced: officials
David Lawder, Steve Holland
5 Min Read

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and China launch trade talks on Thursday in a bid to avert a damaging tariff war, with the White House’s harshest China critic relegated to a supporting role, senior Trump administration officials said on Wednesday.

FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump waves to the news media after returning on Marine One after visiting first lady Melania Trump at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center from the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, U.S., May 15, 2018. REUTERS/Leah Millis
Peter Navarro, the White House trade and manufacturing adviser, will not be a principal player on the U.S. side, two officials said. Instead, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer will lead the American delegation in talks with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, the top economic adviser to President Xi Jinping.

Navarro, author of the book “Death by China,” has been the loudest “nationalist” voice on trade policy in the administration and a major advocate for punitive tariffs on Chinese goods to try to force Beijing to change its trade practices.

He attended an initial round of talks two weeks ago in Beijing that amounted to presentations of lengthy trade demands by each side. Navarro’s shift away from a lead role in the talks comes amid a growing rift over trade policy with Mnuchin, who has favored more achievable deals to open China’s economy to U.S. firms and ease tariff threats.

Related Coverage
Navarro and Mnuchin had an angry exchange on the Beijing trip and ties were so strained some participants openly wondered how they would get along on the same plane on the long U.S.-China flights, a person familiar with the episode said.

The Washington talks will start as USTR finishes up public hearings on the first batch of U.S. tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods proposed as punishment for alleged violations of U.S. intellectual rights.

The tariffs, which target Chinese electrical and machinery part, autos and flat-screen television sets, could take effect in early June, and may be followed by an additional round targeting $100 billion worth of Chinese goods yet to be identified.

China has promised to retaliate in equal measure, targeting U.S. soybeans, aircraft, autos and other goods for additional tariffs, causing U.S. farm commodity prices to fall.

Liu, who is China’s top economic official, told U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday that he would work hard to address the U.S.-China trade imbalance and other problems with the trading relationship.

Members of the trade- and tax-focused U.S. House of Representatives’ Ways and Means Committee said they told Liu that he needed to address U.S. concerns about intellectual property theft, forced technology transfers, and barriers to investment in China and U.S. agricultural exports.

Representative Kevin Brady, the committee’s Republican chairman, said he urged Liu to keep working with the administration toward a solution.

“He recognizes there are problems in this trade relationship,” Brady said of Liu after the meeting. “And his hope for this trip was to begin to address the trade imbalance, increasing demand of Chinese consumers for U.S. products, as well as to begin to take steps on the structural reforms.”

Liu left the meeting with several other Chinese officials without speaking to reporters.

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Senator Orrin Hatch, Republican chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, said after a meeting with Liu that he doubted the Chinese would agree to steps that would warrant backing off the tariff threat.

Asked if he thought Trump would proceed with the tariffs, Hatch said: “I think we have to. We can’t let them do some of these things that really fly in the face of reasonable international law without some sort of response by us.”

The lawmakers said the meeting did not address Trump’s pledge on Sunday to help Chinese telecommunications equipment maker ZTE Corp (000063.SZ) get back in business after a Commerce Department ban cut off its supply of U.S. components.

China denies it offered $200B trade package
Trump said in tweets on Wednesday that “nothing has happened” with China’s ZTE Corp and that Beijing has “much to give” Washington on trade, denying suggestions that his administration was “folding” in negotiations with Beijing.

Trump on Monday had defended his decision to revisit penalties on ZTE for flouting U.S. sanctions on trade with Iran, in part by saying it was reflective of the larger trade deal the United States is negotiating with China.

“Nothing has happened with ZTE except as it pertains to the larger trade deal,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

“We have not seen China’s demands yet, which should be few in that previous U.S. Administrations have done so poorly in negotiating. The U.S. has very little to give, because it has given so much over the years. China has much to give!”

Reporting by David Lawder and Steve Holland; Additional reporting by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Jonathan Oatis and Peter Cooney