Hmmm.... 70 - 100 millions sharks are finned EACH year, yet we still see them swimming ard in the ocean and i do not recall any shark specie that is currently extinct. Sharks, as a whole, must be a very successful fish/ animal given their huge number....only second to humans perhaps?
It really makes me wonder if anyone has been able to compile a reliable statistics for the entire shark population in this world.....
I am no fan of shark fin soup, but these anti-shark finning advocates really fail to convince me. Not sure what's their true inteention? Are they protesting coz of the violent way a shark is finned or are they protesting coz they fear for the demise of the shark population? If it is the latter then I sense some partiality as Asian are not the only one consuming sharks; the west use shark meat for a variety of dishes too and some of them kill sharks for fun aka recreational shark fishing.... Why don't they go ahead and commission a study for the number of sharks killed coz of demand from the western market?