Well the crowdfund for my courtcase is ongoing, and being dirt poor for several months, it’s exhilarating to see copious amounts of money coming in, even trolls and haters managed to put aside their differences, and donate 1 cent. I am truly humbled. The initial ‘wow’ factor when you see that first $1000 donated to your bank account, is quite intoxicating, and I can’t express how gratified I am for your support and donation.
I’m relatively new to this, so any other ways you think I can better institute this crowd, do recommend, and I’ll be glad to hear your suggestions. The reason why I’m not using sites like IndieGogo is because they take away a considerable percentage of the donations. The outreach of my news is pretty considerable anyways, so I feel there isn’t a need to utilize a crowdfunding site to attempt to achieve a larger one.
Now the very important update, I have set up a new bank account solely as an avenue for people to support my content, artistic endeavors, or you just feel like giving me money:
OCBC SAVINGS: 656-9-110387
Paypal :
[email protected]
Patreon wouldn’t be appropriate for most people since I found out that many of you wish to just donate the money wholesale instead of monthly, so unless you prefer to support my content with monthly pledges, you should just send it to my bank account or paypal. Now this money, I can pocket and buy myself a cup of jelly (Thank you for the jelly, it tastes really good).
I have updated the blog post to include those details, and I also edited the concluding paragraphs a little, so you can check that out too.
Oh yeah, and initially, about 12 hours after the post was first online, I made the absolutely egregious mistake of leaving out what my bank account number was affiliated under, I have since updated the blog post, it’s POSB savings. Sorry about that, haha.
Hope to see even more donations in the coming days and once again, thank you so much for all your support.
Donations For Court Case:
POSB SAVINGS: 124-91889-8
[email protected]
Support for my work (Videos, blog posts, etcetera)
OCBC SAVINGS : 656-9-110387
[email protected]
Patreon page: