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Don’t you find it disgusting how some despicable hypocrite bully dogs that always cry their government no morals are so immoral themselves?




why never tag PM Lawrence Wong and your favourite Mr Shamugam and also Singapore Police Force?
Tsk tsk tsk as usual stir shit when nothing wrong at all. When you show your Cantonese criminal dog son of prostitute face I will tag them immediately. Try me. Pui!


Tsk tsk tsk as usual stir shit when nothing wrong at all. When you show your Cantonese criminal dog son of prostitute face I will tag them immediately. Try me. Pui!
u ownself coward now twist other people coward. Lol ... really low class human being. Chow hokkien aunty.


u ownself coward now twist other people coward. Lol ... really low class human being. Chow hokkien aunty.
Tsk tsk tsk create issue out of no issue is Cantonese entitlement and coward is you hiding in rat hole doing defamation crimes to Gansiokbin. Pui! And why so kind in this thread call me chow hokkien aunty ONLY ? Where’s your hokkien dirty vagina dirty slut infectious diseases name calling? Hahaha as usual you are always accusing me what you are yourself COWARD Pui!