I have the understanding u dont like animal being slaughtered. Shouldnt u be glad tat vegan dont take meat?
har! that's why I say when I go into religious discussion everybody hantam me. from the Abrahamic people to Hindus to Buddhists to the atheists. There is a truth that in our natural states, something must die to give us life. It doesn't just apply to us. Cat, dog, pig, wolf, eagle. all have to kill and eat something to survive. there are no exceptions on this planet. Even plants rely on a dying sun to survive. All life is sustained by the death of something else. So as before I say, it is the HOW and the WHY.
Why are you killing? Because I must to survive. Not for gratuitous indulgence or bored want to kill something.
How are you killing? Quick and painless whilst asking forgiveness/giving thanks for the life you have taken that you will receive to sustain you. Suka suka take rifle shoot something take picture like AMDK like to do for what?
It is a fine line to walk. Some people will become vegan to feed their superiority complex. i.e. my not eating or hurting animals belief is better than yours. those who are not vegan belong to an inferior belief. they are indulging their ego at the expense of others. this is not kindness or goodness. I do not encourage people to do things for thinking highly of themselves. only to do better for themselves, those around them and the rest of the world.
Truth is, I am largely vegetarian when I can. eat as little as I can. But if meat put in front of me or offered with kindness as you did with those mooncakes, I will gratefully accept. I will accept the gift with the intention it was given. You intended it to be a gift of kindness, I find that his refusal is too high-minded. Snobbish I call it and narrow minded. Chickens don't care how many eggs you take. If the chicken can't be bothered, why do you?