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Does Singaporeans Really Hate PAP ????


Alfrescian (Inf)
Are u sure its only yr creativity that is affected? More like u have become retarded with all that mental masturbation about the wonders of old fart tat u lost yr brain's.

I'll try but because I have such huge respect for the PAP I get overwhelmed by emotion whenever I'm singing praises and this affects my creativity.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Are u sure its only yr creativity that is affected? More like u have become retarded with all that mental masturbation about the wonders of old fart tat u lost yr brain's.

Well said!

Fuckingly well said!

Leongsam should stick his head below liquid line of that steel bucket used by 50 Bangla families to shit and pee and throw their tampons into before
it is too late and his mental masturbation singing of hosannas to smear of shit on sole of shoe LKY and the PAP thugs and moral degenerates and moral filth corrupt his mind totally

Leongsam should drown himself to save himself from that fate worser than death
At least in death he can join the ghouls and demons all out to rape and tiew and kan LKY the moment he become a rotting corpse


Someday, a movie producer will do a film on the rise and fall of pappies like what they did to the film on the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. Nothing can last forever. Once the shitizens are unhappy, the fall is imminent. Pappies know it but still reluctant to change or unable to change.

The demise of the PAPzis is to be expected. The issue is whether it will happen during your lifetime and if whether their fall allows a bigger devil to come to power? Your time is always now to make a difference. Are you prepared to volunteer a hundred hours to help their downfall happen during your lifetime?


This reply makes you even dumber! LOL!!!

I tell you, this world works in shades of gray. It is neither black nor white. It is neither PAP nor WP.

Too bad, you won't understand anyway, LOL!

Oh.... So can you show us which of your reply or sentence shows that you're smart???

:biggrin: By claiming that "PAP can be blamed for anything under the sun, simply because it rules over this island illuminated by the sun. When it comes to blame, you don't need a rational reason." makes you look smarter or someone that is ignorant enough to write such a sentence??? :biggrin:


....Now we are in a different era where the government has "invited" foreigners in to displace to displace the native population, depriving them of their livelihoods, their ability to put food on the table and massively lower standards of living with high population density. This is not politics, this is genocide.

Yeah, right. Presence of huge number of FTsh in SG upset the locals. Imagine your neighbour is a PR ah neh family. The family goes back to India and the PR simply sublets his whole flat to another ah neh family. The new family makes a lot of noises every night but what can you do?

Why allow foreign PR to buy HDB flat and let him collect rent from subletting his HDB flat which he does not live in? Are the pappies out to please foreigners and to tell sinkies to fuck off?


Since you are already asking a question, the other six lines of your commentary is immaterial. I'm sorry you've wasted your time writing all that garbage.

To answer your question, the answer is yes. Live with it, stop living in self-denial.

How i wish what you wrote was true that I'm living in self-denial.... The problems with you fools are all those cursing and swearing and talking about a change of govt has not been executed at all or I would rather say I've heard it since I was a kid and till now the PAPs are still the ruling party... :biggrin: :biggrin:

It's simply a joke to me when all those rubbish written over here by garbage cowards like you are not being turn into actions which led to sensible Singaporeans knowing PAP do not have a worthy opponent till now...

So in future when you even use the word garbage, go and look yourself into a pool of your own urine which party or person has been a worthy opponent of the PAPs???? And fools like you are predicting the downfall of PAP in 2016???

You ignorant n foolish prediction is as good as making a dream of Singapore can win the world cup in 2018.... Ha Ha Ha Ha.... Ha Ha Ha Ha....



The demise of the PAPzis is to be expected. The issue is whether it will happen during your lifetime and if whether their fall allows a bigger devil to come to power? Your time is always now to make a difference. Are you prepared to volunteer a hundred hours to help their downfall happen during your lifetime?

No need to do anything else. Taking to the streets to protest will harm only your own country. Your vote is already your small tool to make it matter. As the man says, "a small step for a man, a giant leap for Singapore."

In the old days, every one loved pappies. All oppo parties in SG perished when contesting against pappies. Remember that crazy Harbans Singh? Today, the swift to supporting the oppo parties is very dramatic. What has gone wrong?

Pappies are entrenched in politics due to its long history of governance. Many sinkies still refuse to believe it is an evil party despite seeing the harm done to the country by pappies. The next devil to come to power after pappies will not last one term unlike pappies which has been around for decades.

So, why be afraid there is no one more capable than pappies to look after SG?


Such virtuous statements always sound right. It may not be so, if we unearth the root cause.

Your reply is sensible n constructive enough not like some fools here shout for the sake of shouting....

I remember after my NS in 97, Singapore are still without streets full of FTs but why i chose to leave. Of course many who doesn't leave will come out with reasons to say " I shall stay back n fight but fight what" If they have fought n won, they wouldn't be complaining... To fight one needs to have bullets.

Back in the late 90s. i already saw n knew that SG society are only looking for papers..... One with ability but no paper qualification will end up no where in SG but i dun blame the country or society, coz most of the developed countries they look for papers. So all i can do is to look for alternatives for myself instead of sitting back at home n complain till the skies drop which is useless....

My point here is why put the blame on FTs or migrant???? During the late 90s after my NS, to look for a good career was already hard not to mention the current situation.

As quoted by me before, if you're a Singaporean owner of a restaurant, do you wanna employ someone overseas which simply coz you SGD1.2k or do you wanna employ a SGD$1.8k local to be a waiter or waitress???

This is a supply n demand thing. Without the demand from local owners n bosses, even if foreigners comes to SG, can they be employed??? Of course ppl will again claimed that that's becoz the govt allows it but think again, if the govt doesn't allows it, then many firms, restaurant will be closing down.

Looking things from another perspective. If one has the ability as mentioned, I do not fear the influx of foreign workers.

Lastly, you talk about hyenas... Why does hyenas never dare to compete with lions but only cheetah for food? Or maybe hyenas only dare to compete for food with a single lioness but never a lion. One lion is enough to protect his or his group of lions for food becoz a lion has the ability to protect itself n what it deems to be his be it territory or food. One hyenas can never bring down an antelope but a lion can easily bring down an antelope or even a buffalo.



That was when he get every one to hate him:

“I make no apologies that the PAP is the Government and the Government is the PAP.”
- Lee Kuan Yew, Petir, 1982

PAP is not the government, the government belong to the tax payers, voters and citizens. Tell him to withdraw this statement before he die sooner.

Why does he need to apologised in the first place????

If you're the one to bring SG from an island that nobody knew about until to a well-know 1st world city, you'll be worst than LKY....



>>>>>. Does Singaporeans Really Hate PAP ???? <<<<<<

Does you got passed your Primery skool engreeish?


So sorry, I didn't even make it for the PSLE....

If you wanna flaunt your england powderfulness, dun do it in a forum.... In the past many have tried but it'll make you look more like a fool rather than an english master!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:



No need to do anything else. Taking to the streets to protest will harm only your own country. Your vote is already your small tool to make it matter. As the man says, "a small step for a man, a giant leap for Singapore."

In the old days, every one loved pappies. All oppo parties in SG perished when contesting against pappies. Remember that crazy Harbans Singh? Today, the swift to supporting the oppo parties is very dramatic. What has gone wrong?

Pappies are entrenched in politics due to its long history of governance. Many sinkies still refuse to believe it is an evil party despite seeing the harm done to the country by pappies. The next devil to come to power after pappies will not last one term unlike pappies which has been around for decades.

So, why be afraid there is no one more capable than pappies to look after SG?

Simply becoz there's no worthy opposition in SG that allows sensible and those with abilities to vote for them to take over as govt....

If the opposition fight among themselves wanting to be the snake head, are they still worthy for Singaporeans to vote for them to run the country???? The answer is a BIG FAT NO!!! :cool:



Hahahaaaa..... did i quote any name. Moronic nincompoop

Come on, play a smarter game....

Be it whether have you quoted any names but I just dislike your sentence and love to humiliate u which is why I rebutted your post no matter who you love to pin-point your sentence to....

Also, PLEASE.... this is only a forum, you need not to show your cowardness here!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha....


I guess some peopple don't know shame. They kena pawned so badly yet they still feel they are leading strongly. Oh well.