There is no such thing as spot reduction. Those ab exercise machines are all bullshit. You can do a thousand crunches, sit ups and leg raises and still the sixpack won't appear.
You already have your ab muscles... they're just hidden beneath a layer of fat.
If you want your sixpack ab muscles to show, reduce your overall body fat. Intensive cardio + weights training + sensible eating. No fad diets, no slimming pills, ab rollers and other nonsense.
It all boils down to whether one has the discipline and will to do it. If you are motivated, you can make time for yourself to exercise. You don't have to spend a lot of time. You don't have to drag yourself like dragging an animal to the slaughterhouse. You won't find it to be a chore.
Once your body fat ratio drops to 12% or lesser, the sixpack ab muscles will show. I promise you.