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does any1 here knows what is god's criteria for admission to heaven?

syed putra

Based on what i know, you will be judged by your deeds. I am not sure if believing is a criteria.
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Entry to heaven is solely through His mercy. Of course if you are KAAFIR, and deny and detest him, no chance of having his mercy


Some people think that they got direct entry to heaven. Got thousands of it just showing some.
Thank you heaven in advance

Heaven got eyes want me to know the truth. If I didn’t go back to collect my management office deposit, I won’t even know people can be so despicable cheap dirty to do that. I have been suspecting my house damages that occurred each time when my house was vacant after my tenants left to be due to them but I am still not their level to think they did that is to rob and steal from me. Malaysians always open my eyes to how low humans can stoop to harm others indeed.

May heaven crush these people into million pieces.

Heaven is ALWAYS on my side when it comes to the crunch.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Wow. This is a single Question loaded with several Questions in one shot!!

A young lawyer (like Mr. K Shanmugam) came to Jesus and questioned Jesus, "Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law?". He wanted to trap Jesus from the knowledge he gained from the huge & huge volumes of law books. Because it is a very tricky question.

Because there are exactly 613 commandments in OT, and the bible scholars consider some great and some small, so here Jesus was asked to answer this trickiest question ever. Jesus understood the motive of this question. But he gave an instant and immediate answer. After all, he is the chief advocate (chief priest) in the court of all mighty God, the Sovereign God!

Jesus after all the author of all laws gave the lawyer a simple answer that amazed by many around the globe. Jesujs said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Jesus simplified and summarized the whole Bible with just 2 commandments. If you follow these two commandments, you can get to the heaven. The scribe only asked for one commandment, but he got two. Why Jesus utters two, when only one is asked? Because these 2 commandments are inseparable and one law without the other is futile. It is like asking a baby who is your favorite your mom or dad. stupidity. They are inseparable. I can't choose one over the other.

The New Testament prophecy in Revelation 22:14- 15 is unfulfilled. Only people who obey God and keep His commandments are promise eternal life, not those who profess and do not obey. The New Testament Commandments are more important than OT commandments.

Key point:
These are 1,050 commands in the New Testament to be obeyed by Christians. The universal impression in Christendom that there are 10 commandments to obey is far from the truth. Only people who obey God and keep His commandments are promised eternal life, not those who profess and do not obey.

Apostle John the most beloved disciple of Christ (out of 12) experienced it in his walk with Christ for over six decades. This aged saint wrote, "This is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome" (1 Jn 5:3). So if you are a follower of Christ, you must obey Him. Otherwise, the law of the Bible is of no use. Even if you carry the Bible to Church every Sunday but do not follow or obey the Bible, you can't get to the heaven.

Mr. K. Shanmugam is a law maker in SG, who was so cheeky and arrogant / but he does not follow the law himself. He asked the Question in the Parliament who guards the guard. Because he is above the law himself. He is like an authoritarian, but he does NOT follow the laws himself. But he will make sure he did not have any brushes.to the law because all the law enforcement in SG are his ass lickers or boot lickers. So, I intend to ask the same Question to Mr. K/ Shanmugam in due time in person for the whole world to see his answers. Mr. Shanmugam, who guards Mr. Shanmugam if he himself break the law but he was never charged under the criminal law of justice in SG.

Mr. K. Shanmugam cannot enter into Heaven, but he has failed so many laws in SG. Once proven in the court of Diving law, he cannot survive ot live in SG under the divine law/


Beware and be aware.

Power of Attorney (POA) for Jesus Christ who is the Attorney General for the Divine Law
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Wow. This is a single Question loaded with several Questions in one shot!!

A young lawyer (like Mr. K Shanmugam) came to Jesus and questioned Jesus, "Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law?". He wanted to trap Jesus from the knowledge he gained from the huge & huge volumes of law books. Because it is a very tricky question.

Because there are exactly 613 commandments in OT, and the bible scholars consider some great and some small, so here Jesus was asked to answer this trickiest question ever. Jesus understood the motive of this question. But he gave an instant and immediate answer. After all, he is the chief advocate (chief priest) in the court of all mighty God, the Sovereign God!

Jesus after all the author of all laws gave the lawyer a simple answer that amazed by many around the globe. Jesujs said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Jesus simplified and summarized the whole Bible with just 2 commandments. If you follow these two commandments, you can get to the heaven. The scribe only asked for one commandment, but he got two. Why Jesus utters two, when only one is asked? Because these 2 commandments are inseparable and one law without the other is futile. It is like asking a baby who is your favorite your mom or dad. stupidity. They are inseparable. I can't choose one over the other.

The New Testament prophecy in Revelation 22:14- 15 is unfulfilled. Only people who obey God and keep His commandments are promise eternal life, not those who profess and do not obey. The New Testament Commandments are more important than OT commandments.

Key point:
These are 1,050 commands in the New Testament to be obeyed by Christians. The universal impression in Christendom that there are 10 commandments to obey is far from the truth. Only people who obey God and keep His commandments are promised eternal life, not those who profess and do not obey.

Apostle John the most beloved disciple of Christ (out of 12) experienced it in his walk with Christ for over six decades. This aged saint wrote, "This is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome" (1 Jn 5:3). So if you are a follower of Christ, you must obey Him. Otherwise, the law of the Bible is of no use. Even if you carry the Bible to Church every Sunday but do not follow or obey the Bible, you can't get to the heaven.

Mr. K. Shanmugam is a law maker in SG, who was so cheeky and arrogant / but he does not follow the law himself. He asked the Question in the Parliament who guards the guard. Because he is above the law himself. He is like an authoritarian, but he does NOT follow the laws himself. But he will make sure he did not have any brushes.to the law because all the law enforcement in SG are his ass lickers or boot lickers. So, I intend to ask the same Question to Mr. K/ Shanmugam in due time in person for the whole world to see his answers. Mr. Shanmugam, who guards Mr. Shanmugam if he himself break the law but he was never charged under the criminal law of justice in SG.

Mr. K. Shanmugam cannot enter into Heaven, but he has failed so many laws in SG. Once proven in the court of Diving law, he cannot survive ot live in SG under the divine law/


Beware and be aware.

Power of Attorney (POA) for Jesus Christ who is the Attorney General for the Divine Law

But Bahyi Prince preaches that Jesus has fulfilled every single law and that His death has freed us from all sins and the Law. Just rest in Christ and all will be well and you'll be on your way to heaven. So even if you sin, God's grace will take care of that sin and God will not even remember it because of Jesus' finished work at the cross.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

But Bahyi Prince preaches that Jesus has fulfilled every single law and that His death has freed us from all sins and the Law. Just rest in Christ and all will be well and you'll be on your way to heaven. So even if you sin, God's grace will take care of that sin and God will not even remember it because of Jesus' finished work at the cross.

Agree with one condition of repentance. Because Joseph prince is preaching no need to repent but can go to heaven if u partake communion only and is far from the truth. Joseph Prince himself cannot go to heaven without my spiritual authority as I intend to use my authority to bind him to Hell sooner (Mt. 18:18-19). All the sins will NOT be blotted out unless it is confessed, and forgiven/ God is willing to forgive any sins as long as someone is remorseful and repented.


pls share wif me

There ish no heaven. This word heaven originates from religion which in turns originates from these group of creatures.... :wink:

Don't watch if you still want to believe in nonsensical Abrahamic religions for solace and comfort.

" In this Book, Paul documents the links within the Sumerian creation account: The word Annunaki, he explains, means “Those who came from the heavens to Earth,” a phrase that made clear their extraterrestrial origins.

Many of the world’s oldest mythologies claim that governance over human society began with dominance over human beings being established by superior beings or “gods.” And then the job of rulership gets handed over at a later stage to human governors or Kings.. The Bible originated from the ancient Sumerian text. Text found with the same story. Pre-dating the Biblical accounts by thousands of years. Documenting Ancient Aliens.

The Sumerian story begins with the rulers coming down from the heavens. And the glyph for these rulers is a symbol pointing to the sky! The Annunaki were from the heavens. They were sky people! - WHY ARE WE HERE? A Scary Truth Behind the Original Bible Story | Full Documentary"


The Anunnaki (Sumerian: , also transcribed as Anunaki, Annunaki, Anunna, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of deities of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians.[1] In the earliest Sumerian writings about them, which come from the Post-Akkadian period, the Anunnaki are deities in the pantheon, descendants of An and Ki, the god of the heavens and the goddess of earth, and their primary function was to decree the fates of humanity.


Singapore Dancing Spirit

There ish no heaven. This word heaven originates from religion which in turns originates from these group of creatures.... :wink:

Don't watch if you still want to believe in nonsensical Abrahamic religions for solace and comfort.

" In this Book, Paul documents the links within the Sumerian creation account: The word Annunaki, he explains, means “Those who came from the heavens to Earth,” a phrase that made clear their extraterrestrial origins.

Many of the world’s oldest mythologies claim that governance over human society began with dominance over human beings being established by superior beings or “gods.” And then the job of rulership gets handed over at a later stage to human governors or Kings.. The Bible originated from the ancient Sumerian text. Text found with the same story. Pre-dating the Biblical accounts by thousands of years. Documenting Ancient Aliens.

The Sumerian story begins with the rulers coming down from the heavens. And the glyph for these rulers is a symbol pointing to the sky! The Annunaki were from the heavens. They were sky people! - WHY ARE WE HERE? A Scary Truth Behind the Original Bible Story | Full Documentary"


The Anunnaki (Sumerian: , also transcribed as Anunaki, Annunaki, Anunna, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of deities of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians.[1] In the earliest Sumerian writings about them, which come from the Post-Akkadian period, the Anunnaki are deities in the pantheon, descendants of An and Ki, the god of the heavens and the goddess of earth, and their primary function was to decree the fates of humanity.
