Bro , i got no update on this lawyer case .
In both cases I feel sad for them ( lawyer n doctor ) .
Just thinking , our country has the most number of
molesting cases ???
If yes , then sad to say , uniquely Singapore ...![]()
Bro , i got no update on this lawyer case .
In both cases I feel sad for them ( lawyer n doctor ) .
Just thinking , our country has the most number of
molesting cases ???
If yes , then sad to say , uniquely Singapore ...![]() dont need to feel sad for that lawyer and doctor ..but we need to feel sad for our fellow singaporean ...our country is not safe anymore . fuck the goverment for bringing trash to our country .
what is this "our country" bs? why should you care when sg is no longer your country? wait a minute, isn't japan your country now? oh wait another minute, didn't you think about abandoning japan and moving to thailand? as a migrant, don't forget you're also been treated as foreign trash by some bigoted fools. but have to agree that sg has gone to the dogs... i don't care about it anymore as a country, but i do as a visitor as i get disgusted dealing with people who behave worse than animals. and millions at that in a small shithole which is getting smaller. apart from it as an airport hub, it's not a desirable travel destination anymore.
right from the start singapore has never been a desirable travel destination ..and will never be . stay out of singapore if you dont have friends or family there . you should also try to stay away from singapore forum as well ...![]()
unlike you, i can only boast 1595 posts while you have 8446 and counting. and i joined a month earlier. this forum is great for poking fun. otherwise, i'll spend too much time poking american forums which have recently been dominated by politics and angry rednecks with guns. at least over here, we have angry greenhats who are powerless, regularly getting shafted, and can't do anything about their predicament except to rant unceasingly.
having 8446 posts does not mean im 24/7 here . theres a time ( when im busy ) for 6 mths i dont even log in here .but i agreed that this forum is great for having a good laugh after a fat joint . by the way ,hows american forum ? is it as fun as this cafe ? does their moderator banned you if you cross the line ? i have been banned in some japanese forum like maxi .
the bully pulpit forum which is run by a lady is tight like post pubescent pussy and moderated by ladies who think palin is goddess and bachmann is the second coming of christ in a woman's body. every other forum on specialty subjects are highly moderated and heavily censored. this one is a free for all.
all along i thought americans do practice what they preach after all its a " country of freedom " . glad you have found your love in your own backyard (after searching for a good forum ) . you do have your sense of " belonging " in singapore![]()
Alamak I thought all doctors everyday see not sian, still want to molest.
i grew up in singapore matter where i go or how fuckup my country is ...the truth is singapore is still my hometown ....for your infor , i pay huge taxs in japan ....and my reptutation of doing business in japan is highly respected ( 90% of my customers are japanese ) you know im treated as foreign trash in japan ?
im not abandoning japan ..why should i ? i have more japanese friends then singaporean friends . the reason of moving thai is because im now in retired mode ..i want a place where i can fully enjoy what a retired man should be doing ...and thai happens to be my choice . im sick of city life .
right from the start singapore has never been a desirable travel destination ..and will never be . stay out of singapore if you dont have friends or family there . you should also try to stay away from singapore forum as well ...![]()