Qi is what kept the earth turning, our heart beating, the radiation from stars, the moon controlling the ocean, why tree grows, mountain formed and how water flows, the four seasons of lives. There are also bad Qi like air pollutions, tsuami, earthquakes, storms, decays, anger, fear, office politics. Anything that affect your living mood is due to unforseeable Qi thus Fengshui is to guide you how to avoid, minimise or enhance your personal space (live, eat, work, sleep) to live a fulfilling and happy life whether tangibly or intangibly. Thus it is an art of living, science of understanding the environment affecting you. It is not a relgion either. Feng Shui existed before God(s) appear. It is as simple as knowing you shouldn't sit under the hot son, never eat rotten food, don't seat with your back facing the door, never have knife pointing at you, avoid bad people...etc. Common sense. Than again, Qi is randomly moving like our weather and human have moods that fluctuates. Thus certain things can be avoided like knowing the weather before hand or skills to handle your temperament. Thus FS, in greater sense, dealt with all these moving energies in you and the environments that affect you inside or outside your living space. The essence of Feng shui is that Human Beings are formed by the presence of Qi, than live with Qi and eventually died with Qi, thus nobody lives alone in this planet.
My 2cts worth nia.