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Do u feel happy when kopi-uncle tell u to wait because they are changing kopi powder ?


Easily contented is a healthy good way of life.
People should learn this from you.:thumbsup:
I prefer Burger King set meal. The brew coffee and Americano are the same. Your set meal comes with brew coffee, so it's supposed to come from a big pot of coffee. But because the staff are lazy to brew a big pot, they use the super automatic espresso machine to brew Americano for you. That way it's faster and end of the day they don't have to wash the pot.

The is the secret code I found in Burger King. And of course Americano is much more expensive than ordinary brew coffee.


I prefer Burger King set meal. The brew coffee and Americano are the same. Your set meal comes with brew coffee, so it's supposed to come from a big pot of coffee. But because the staff are lazy to brew a big pot, they use the super automatic espresso machine to brew Americano for you. That way it's faster and end of the day they don't have to wash the pot.

The is the secret code I found in Burger King. And of course Americano is much more expensive than ordinary brew coffee.
I saw old uncles in the neighbourhood just go into McDonald and pour their coffee without buying any set meal


i made my own kopi in office better than those coffee stall. taste wise lose to stall, but caffeine is stronger as I dun feel sleepy as compared to stall's kopi. I dunno why their caffeine is weaker


Do u use any expensive machine
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cost me $14 okay


I prefer Burger King set meal. The brew coffee and Americano are the same. Your set meal comes with brew coffee, so it's supposed to come from a big pot of coffee. But because the staff are lazy to brew a big pot, they use the super automatic espresso machine to brew Americano for you. That way it's faster and end of the day they don't have to wash the pot.

The is the secret code I found in Burger King. And of course Americano is much more expensive than ordinary brew coffee.
Why bk and mac set meal always need to add $ when go with coffee? Only the basic coke then comes with the meal. Cb coffee expensive meh


I think need to add abt $1.70 for espresso etc le bk
I always buy the Flaming Deals, and it comes with cheapo drinks. Brew coffee (from the pot) is cheapo drink. What I am trying to say is they don't brew coffee from the pot because it's a waste of time for them. So they just give you Americano. And Americano is much more expensive.

They used to brew coffee in a pot but very few people ordered, so they had to pour away at the end of the day. So if you khei khiang tell them "I want Americano", they will charge additional. Just say brew coffee, and you look at the back of the counter if the coffee pot is empty they will give you Americano pretending to be brew coffee from the coffee pot.


Many years ago IKEA used to sell freshly brew coffee for 50cents. You could see the beans and coffee grinding process. The taste was very good.


I always buy the Flaming Deals, and it comes with cheapo drinks. Brew coffee (from the pot) is cheapo drink. What I am trying to say is they don't brew coffee from the pot because it's a waste of time for them. So they just give you Americano. And Americano is much more expensive.

They used to brew coffee in a pot but very few people ordered, so they had to pour away at the end of the day. So if you khei khiang tell them "I want Americano", they will charge additional. Just say brew coffee, and you look at the back of the counter if the coffee pot is empty they will give you Americano pretending to be brew coffee from the coffee pot.
KNN I worked in bk last time as a cp kid brewing coffee in pot KNN