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U guys believe in reincarnation. But can tell me how universe was formed? Where u came from? Cells? Where do cells came from?
Archangel Michael might have the answer but i dunno if you will agree or understand it. I am not the create of this message, i just posted it. Archangel Michael says it. You have issue with what he says, go ask him
Archangel Michael - WHO AM I?
I'm going to go back a little bit about the Universe again. Many of your scientists try to understand how the creation of planet Earth was. Because of the limited minds that they have, they have not been able to find out even about planet Earth, let alone about other planets. I can tell you that no one will ever come to the revelation at all, your scientists are very intelligent, they have advanced minds. All scientists are evolved souls who came from outside, which is why they have so many crazy ideas and so many ideas that often make you evolve.
So how are planets, solar systems created? You will understand that it is a very large movement of energy. It is not something that you take in your hands and create. It is a great movement of energy. Many have seen it in their films and this is already proven, outside the orbit of the planets, the magnetism of each planet, there is a space without gravity, without any force. So much so that you would be floating in that space indefinitely, because there is no force, pulling neither down, nor up, nor left, nor right.
So for a solar system to be created, a very large amount of energy is needed, because it is not just creating little planets. Think of the size of your Sun. It is huge, and Alcyon's sun is thousands of times bigger than this one. So think about the size of the energy created, necessary to generate something like that. So only the strength of Our Father / Mother God is capable of that. Now trying to explain to you how it happens, it is practically impossible, because as I have said several times here, you need to make everything we speak into an image so that you understand. It is part of 3D mind. There's a lot that you don't understand.
When we say we are energy, what do we mean by that? I am pure energy with awareness. How do you imagine I am? No, no, take off that human outfit, because I don’t have that outfit. I wore this outfit so I could show myself to you, but I don’t have that outfit. I am energy. How do you see me as energy? What am I to you? A point of light? A ball of light? A star? A planet? What am in I your mind? I am an energy with awareness. What do you mean, a conscious energy? An energy with a brain? That is how you think, because you do not have the support yet to understand this. It is very complicated for you to understand. You translate exactly this way, like a ball of light with a brain, just because I'm aware? Weird isn't it? Very strange. I would be a monster. Within your conception, I would be a monster. I would be a brilliant thing with a brain inside. Um, very ugly. I prefer my human clothing; it is much more beautiful.
A lot of things for you are still difficult to explain, because you need to visualize certain things, for you to understand. So I'm going to make your life easier. Think that I am a big bright star, with a very bright white light. Not a yellow light, I have white crystalline light. Who knows what white crystalline light is will understand exactly what I'm talking about. It is a very different light from the light you have, because it is the Crystalline light of our Father / Mother God. Very well. So you can imagine me as a star that shines, and shines a lot. Not that I'm showing off here, but I'm too big. Peace of me that arrives here, is a millionth or even less, because otherwise she the channeller would not be able to take it, even this was already complicated for her to receive. She went through a long training, to be able to be well with my energy, because it is immense.
If you want me to tell you my size, I am a little bit bigger than your Sun. So you can see the size of my strength. And then when I tell you that I am an offshoot of our Father / Mother God, many ask, "What is offshoot?" It is a piece, it's like a multiplication of a piece of him. A piece of him unfolded for me to leave. So if I'm that big, what about our Father / Mother God? You have no idea. You have no idea, my brothers.
The Universe as big as it is and if he controls everything, if he is the energy that generates this entire Universe, how big is he? So many are already asking themselves: “And where is he? He is everywhere. As you say it yourself: he is omnipresent, omniscient, all, all functions, he is anywhere, he is everywhere.
For you to understand all of this, it's complicated, but I'm trying to help you. Now you already know my size, you know that I am a bright star, because I am pure energy. And my conscience? We are energy with awareness. Not consciousness embedded in a brain with cells, as you think. We are a conscious energy. Not with brain, with conscience, is different.
We know what we have to do, we know our roles, we know our duties. So what comes to you, is more than a millionth, millionth is not enough, it is an infinitesimal particle of my energy, which reaches each one of you and you already feel that it is strong.
All the other Archangels that I mentioned here Rafael, like Uriel and Gabriel are exactly the same size as me. We are all unfolding, from our Father / Mother God. So we can often say that we can even carry your Sun. It is small for us, and we have a particularity, that we can expand and decrease in size, as needed.
So if we have to move an entire solar system, we will grow proportionately to be able to do that, and the entire solar system will be displaced. No, no, don't imagine that we are pushing the planets and solar systems, that's not it. I'm saying that if we need to get a solar system out of place, we will have the strength to do so. Your solar system was created within a magnetic field in which it rotates alone. God did not do things to be dependent on him. Everything has its wisdom to move on its own. And that's what happens.
The suns are created, after the suns come the planets, each with its own particularity. Suns are usually great stars of light, in order to give light to everyone who orbits around it. Then, right after the planets the star is created, and systems are often created that will orbit around this big star, as is your system around Alcyon.
So all this is created very carefully. Imagine if the planets' orbits started to hit each other? It would not be the wisdom of our Father / Mother God, because nothing goes wrong. All the planets circulate around the star and no one bumps into the other, due to the distance between them. Now what each planet is, what each planet will be, that is the decision of our Father / Mother God. He creates the planets exactly with some function. Usually the idea of our Father / Mother God is to increase the Universe more and more, so that this Whole becomes bigger and bigger.
Souls have not stopped being created, they continue to be created, because souls also die. A lot of people with their mouths open! Calm down my brothers. Calm down, I just gave a short sentence, then I'll explain. Yes, souls die. "But how do they die?" It is not when human clothing dies, I can guarantee that. But I'm going to have a video just talking about the soul. Wait a little bit.
Souls die, new souls need to be created. Think about it: the Universe is like a big beating heart. It pulsates, and it often shrinks and expands by the very nature of the Universe. And each time the universe expands it grows a little more. So new souls have to be created to populate the created planets.
So my brothers, I think I left a lot of information here today, and I want you to think about it. Imagine in your mind, how it all works and tomorrow we continue.
I AM THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL! I am always here, beside each one of you.
Channelled by: Anjos e Luz Terapias
Translation: Luce Light