Though race and everything related to it are not off limits, please exercise care and articulate your viewpoints with sensitivity and have that dab of tolerance.
There are genuine grievances that are being aired. If you are unable to put across your viewpoints or articulate without resorting to profanities, large and coloured fonts akin to shouting, best that you do not take part. Most arguments that can't stand on its own can easily be put away by better arguments. Only the slow and the very slow will resort to anything else but putting across their arguments. This has nothing to do with your command of the language.
Anyone who has been long enough in forums will know that those that can't express themselves, cannot follow logic let alone know what it is, or have no clue what the subject matter is will resort to one or many of the usual;
- screaming fonts, bad graphics with zero substance
- abusive language littered with profanities again with no substance
- spamming of the same message with zero substance
Exceptions for the Elderly and the Insecured
- I am aware that those who are getting on with age tend to use large fonts and colour for better contrast. No issues here.
- I am also aware those who lack the confidence or feel insecure tend to write in bold,( meant for highlighting and headers) hoping that their point carries more weight. Again no issues.
If you are however a genuine bigot or racist, I can direct you to the appropriate row of supermarkets where rat poisons are carried. Liberally take it after you wake up and you should be fixed and there will one less for the world.