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Chitchat Dick is comfortable, thanks to SQ cabin crew


Thats why I purposely avoid flying SQ. They only nice if you are some big SG dick, or AMDK. Prefer Nippon. Always bend..er bow down 90" before start service. Everything you want the answer is always hai hai hai.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Thats why I purposely avoid flying SQ. They only nice if you are some big SG dick, or AMDK. Prefer Nippon. Always bend..er bow down 90" before start service. Everything you want the answer is always hai hai hai.

The Middle Eastern airlines are good too. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Thats why I purposely avoid flying SQ. They only nice if you are some big SG dick, or AMDK. Prefer Nippon. Always bend..er bow down 90" before start service. Everything you want the answer is always hai hai hai.

Thai airlines are okay too, although you can spot quite a number of grumpy faces when they go about their duties and not interacting with passengers. Must be overworked and underpaid. :frown:

Scrooball (clone)

Thai airlines are okay too, although you can spot quite a number of grumpy faces when they go about their duties and not interacting with passengers. Must be overworked and underpaid. :frown:
Overworked? I’m not sure what the fuck are you talking about. These cabin crew are no more than a bunch of waiters and waitresses serving food. Just because it’s done on a higher altitude doesn’t make them any more talented or hardworking.