Dunno what you are raving about.
Pls compose yr arguments before we go any further. I dont feed trolls and aimless pea shooters.
i find that whenever u have nothing u write, u started to write some craps that offers no significance contribution that can argue your point, and some idiot call Fishbuff can wrote to me calling for infaction..please la, if u want to argue your point write something humans can read..tell me why shld i compose my arguement?
U wrote about clueless leader..what is your reason?
U wrote abt pathetic slaves...what is ur reasons?
U want to risk buying ur home on earthquake zones, who is more clueless and pathetic...
Canada just got mob by some riots...u have anything to defend that country or their 'smart' leader??
come one la....be a man..oppss....be a smarter cockroach...hahaha....
BTW, i have asked many time...have u ever see a real TROLL??
If Not, I beg you, on behalf from the one who born u, wake up from fantasy world....