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Deep State assets/secrets in Ukraine.








Source: Twitter nobody. Doesn't take much for some Russian bot to convince gullible sinkies that sending arms
to Ukraine is bad :cool:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Source: Twitter nobody. Doesn't take much for some Russian bot to convince gullible sinkies that sending to Ukraine is bad :cool:

Ah, but this tasty info would have never made it past the libtard censorship in the pre-Elon Musk Twitter. The same goes for other 'controversial' topics e.g. Biden stole the election in 2020, the Covid 'vaccines' are neither safe nor effective, there are only two genders and LGBT deviants are usually pedophiles.

Keep believing that Jewish puppet Zelensky is the good guy. :cool:


Ah, but this tasty info would have never made it past the libtard censorship in the pre-Elon Musk Twitter. The same goes for other 'controversial' topics e.g. Biden stole the election in 2020, the Covid 'vaccines' are neither safe nor effective, there are only two genders and LGBT deviants are usually pedophiles.

Keep believing that Jewish puppet Zelensky is the good guy. :cool:
But this line of reasoning is absolutely retarded. Just because something is controversial and then subsequently censored doesn't necessarily mean that the content or point in question contains anything that is substantively true. There is no credible evidence that Biden stole the 2020 election and such rumors led to a riot. Accounts peddling falsehoods were banned or censored based on considerations for public security and for American democracy as a peaceful transfer of power is one of the very basic features of stable democratic order. It's funny how you're pro-Russian while at the same time, ignorant of their justifications for invading Ukraine, no one in the Kremlin would refer to Zelensky as a Jewish puppet and instead he is portrayed as an Ukrainian ultranationalist Nazi who is controlled by NATO. The notion that Zelensky is a Jewish puppet is only parroted by Russia's informal propaganda network which targets shitskins, muuds and other third world brown slumrat niggers that may have antisemitic sympathies. Additionally the argument that Ukraine is becoming some liberal shithole has no basis in reality, Ukrainians are some of the world's most ethnonationalist people and their right wing scene remains one of the most vibrant in Europe. while Russia is mixed race hellhole comprised of primarily alcoholics, slavic mutts and siberian chinks. Russia is not a conservative country and it would be retarded to regard them as somehow being the defender of traditional values as their STD/divorce/abortion rates are one of the highest in Europe. It's funny how the most pathetically naive of people are so susceptible to Russian propaganda and are unable to discern truth from fiction. :biggrin:


But this line of reasoning is absolutely retarded. Just because something is controversial and then subsequently censored doesn't necessarily mean that the content or point in question contains anything that is substantively true. There is no credible evidence that Biden stole the 2020 election and such rumors led to a riot. Accounts peddling falsehoods were banned or censored based on considerations for public security and for American democracy as a peaceful transfer of power is one of the very basic features of stable democratic order. It's funny how you're pro-Russian while at the same time, ignorant of their justifications for invading Ukraine, no one in the Kremlin would refer to Zelensky as a Jewish puppet and instead he is portrayed as an Ukrainian ultranationalist Nazi who is controlled by NATO. The notion that Zelensky is a Jewish puppet is only parroted by Russia's informal propaganda network which targets shitskins, muuds and other third world brown slumrat niggers that may have antisemitic sympathies. Additionally the argument that Ukraine is becoming some liberal shithole has no basis in reality, Ukrainians are some of the world's most ethnonationalist people and their right wing scene remains one of the most vibrant in Europe. while Russia is mixed race hellhole comprised of primarily alcoholics, slavic mutts and siberian chinks. Russia is not a conservative country and it would be retarded to regard them as somehow being the defender of traditional values as their STD/divorce/abortion rates are one of the highest in Europe. It's funny how the most pathetically naive of people are so susceptible to Russian propaganda and are unable to discern truth from fiction. :biggrin:
U should direct your tirade at the folks posting said controversial articles in stead. Endless labour I tell u. :unsure:


You're a bot or a deep state cocksucker? Biden in disguise. i can tell you can barely type
Are you a harebrained retarded Qnigger? Do niggers and Indians fuck your mother on a daily basis? Stoopid pro Russian stooooge :biggrin:


Are you a harebrained retarded Qnigger? Do niggers and Indians fuck your mother on a daily basis? Stoopid pro Russian stooooge :biggrin:
FUCK you bitch. You should be hung for using the N word. Fuck your entire family and burn in the pit of hell, Chow nin lao bu eh phua chow hai. May your mom get raped by all the black men in the world. No wonder you stink, you don't even know who's your dad Berak.


What is it in Ukraine that Biden doesn't want Trump to know?
