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Dated few ladies, all allowed french kiss on 1st date


hahaha first date i already cummed multiple times in their cheebyes, this guy thinks french kiss is a home run LOLOLOLOL @JohnTan your kind of basement standard


If she french kiss u so easily, probably she'll give it to others easily too...
So gotta be careful, u might be tasting somebody's semen...


Alfrescian (Inf)
If you go to this kind of party, you will receive plenty of kisses and more, no need for date.



Yesterday went Jazzbar, the german girl keep holding her head close to me...so through jazz performance, we keep making out

Then last Tuesday also polish girl want share her sad story, ask me go drink, so i also hold her hands and we kiss. She say want go german sauna with me 1to1. I think she want see my lup chiong.

syed putra

So incest is more hygienic izzit? :roflmao:

Definitely. It's safer if you know who you are kissing.

syed putra

Yesterday went Jazzbar, the german girl keep holding her head close to me...so through jazz performance, we keep making out

Then last Tuesday also polish girl want share her sad story, ask me go drink, so i also hold her hands and we kiss. She say want go german sauna with me 1to1. I think she want see my lup chiong.
German sauna and bathrooms are all gender neutral. Both mix men and women.
Corporate saunas on Fridays are mixed sex. Saunas are like Japanese drinking sessions.