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Posted on 22 Mar 2010
Not one Singaporean helped elderly visitor from Taiwan who fell at shopping centre
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So sad
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STOMPer Stanley’s elderly mum was shocked and disappointed when no one bothered to help her when she fell down at a shopping centre. If this happened in Taiwan, at least 5 people would have helped, the STOMPer added.
In an email to STOMP today (Mar 22), the STOMPer says:
“My mum came from Taiwan and went out shopping with my niece who is 3-years-old.
“They both slipped and fell down at the shopping centre.
“My mum is 62-years- old and found it difficult to get up her own, especially when she was with my niece.
“During that time people around her were standing looking at her and not helping her to stand up.
“If it happened in Taiwan, at least five people would help.
“She wondered if Singaporeans are inconsiderate or just afraid to get into trouble for lending a helping hand for those who need one.”
Not one Singaporean helped elderly visitor from Taiwan who fell at shopping centre
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Stanley’s elderly mum was shocked and disappointed when no one bothered to help her when she fell down at a shopping centre. If this happened in Taiwan, at least 5 people would have helped, the STOMPer added.
In an email to STOMP today (Mar 22), the STOMPer says:
“My mum came from Taiwan and went out shopping with my niece who is 3-years-old.
“They both slipped and fell down at the shopping centre.
“My mum is 62-years- old and found it difficult to get up her own, especially when she was with my niece.
“During that time people around her were standing looking at her and not helping her to stand up.
“If it happened in Taiwan, at least five people would help.
“She wondered if Singaporeans are inconsiderate or just afraid to get into trouble for lending a helping hand for those who need one.”