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CZECH slapped CHINA again


Tuesday (June 9) that he would be visiting Taiwan, Czech Senate President Milos Vystrcil said that pressure from China only motivated him to visit the country more.

In defiance of warnings from China, Vystrcil stated that he would lead a delegation to Taiwan at the end of August. He said that China's repeated pressure and the Czech revolutionary tradition of striving for freedom and democracy had strengthened his determination to visit the island country.

At a press conference in the Czech Senate, Vystrcil said China's repeated threats against his predecessor, Jaroslav Kubera, who had also planned to visit Taiwan before his sudden death, only strengthen his resolve, reported Czech News Agency. Vystrcil said that the priority needs to be the values and principles the Czech Republic was founded on: "We will either stick to our principles and our values or we will count coins. I am inclined to stop counting coins because one day we might find out that we don't have any at all."

Vystrcil described the country's senate as the only remaining institution that defends Czech sovereignty, originality, and self-confidence against China. "We have to reckon with the fact that we will not be praised by all for that," alluding to the negative attitude taken by President Milos Zeman and government officials toward his Taiwan trip.

Referring to Chinese pressure not to carry out the trip, Vystrcil said, "The People's Republic of China is convinced that it has the right to tell us what to do and how to do it." He said that China considers the Czech Republic to be a gateway to Europe, not an equal partner.

Vystrcil said there are two main reasons for the trip to Taiwan. First, he believes it will benefit his country's "economic, scientific and cultural development, as well as uphold the rules by which democratic countries behave to each other," reported Radio Prague International. Second, he said that it is a matter of "internal importance" to the Czech nation, as he found the debate over the trip has renewed "the clash regarding the center point upon which we place our values, those values we fought for and won in 1989."

When Vystrcil and his delegation tour Taiwan from Aug. 30 to Sept. 5, he will be the highest-ranking Czech official to have ever made an official visit to the country.


Reuters) - China should replace its ambassador in the Czech Republic after the Chinese embassy sent a threatening letter to Czech authorities, Prime Minister Andrej Babis said, a position that may further strain relations between the two countries.

In January, China's embassy in Prague said in a letter sent to the Czech president's office that Beijing would retaliate against Czech companies operating in China if a senior Czech lawmaker went ahead with a planned visit to Taiwan.

The Jan. 10 letter suggested that Czech companies operating in mainland China, such as the Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) subsidiary Skoda Auto and lender Home Credit Group, would suffer if then- Senate speaker Jaroslav Kubera visited the island


Old Fart
All around the world the Tiongs are threatening countries. Sweden, Australia, Europe etc. People you can now see the true colors of the PRC Chinaman today.

China is not your friend
As a Chinese, I want to see China be everyone's friend. But their fucking government needs to be removed before this can start to happen. Mis-step after mis-step, they are a disaster.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
As a Chinese, I want to see China be everyone's friend. But their fucking government needs to be removed before this can start to happen. Mis-step after mis-step, they are a disaster.
Wow I’m impressed you recognised your ethnicity. Then you want Pompeo go there be President? Why not focus on removing PAP. At least that is something you can do in real life.


As a Chinese, I want to see China be everyone's friend. But their fucking government needs to be removed before this can start to happen. Mis-step after mis-step, they are a disaster.

You must see things in context. Mis-steps are good for a laugh. Going around the world killing millions and dropping bombs for fun is no laughing matter. Last year the good old USA dropped nearly 8000 bombs on Afghanistan. This is truly evil.


Old Fart
You must see things in context. Mis-steps are good for a laugh. Going around the world killing millions and dropping bombs for fun is no laughing matter. Last year the good old USA dropped nearly 8000 bombs on Afghanistan. This is truly evil.
Islamic terrorism is a real and present danger. It needs to be weeded out at every chance, at anywhere. But thanks to the CCP virus, those goat fucking camel jockeys are taking a break.


Islamic terrorism is a real and present danger. It needs to be weeded out at every chance, at anywhere. But thanks to the CCP virus, those goat fucking camel jockeys are taking a break.

What islamic terrorism? ISIS? Don't mix up 2 different issues. USA invaded Afghanistan on the pretext of going after Osama. Osama is long dead. What the fuck are they still doing there?

Afghanistan has been the world's leading illicit opium producer since 2001. Afghanistan's opium poppy harvest produces more than 90% of illicit heroin globally, and more than 95% of the European supply. More land is used for opium in Afghanistan than is used for coca cultivation in Latin America.

When did USA invade Afghanistan? How long have they been there?

Do you know that poppy growing has more or less been eradicated during Taliban's rule before the invasion?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Reuters) - China should replace its ambassador in the Czech Republic after the Chinese embassy sent a threatening letter to Czech authorities, Prime Minister Andrej Babis said, a position that may further strain relations between the two countries.

In January, China's embassy in Prague said in a letter sent to the Czech president's office that Beijing would retaliate against Czech companies operating in China if a senior Czech lawmaker went ahead with a planned visit to Taiwan.

The Jan. 10 letter suggested that Czech companies operating in mainland China, such as the Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) subsidiary Skoda Auto and lender Home Credit Group, would suffer if then- Senate speaker Jaroslav Kubera visited the island
proof that prc is run by a bunch of bandits, thugs and gangsters.


Alfrescian (Inf)
What islamic terrorism? ISIS? Don't mix up 2 different issues. USA invaded Afghanistan on the pretext of going after Osama. Osama is long dead. What the fuck are they still doing there?

Afghanistan has been the world's leading illicit opium producer since 2001. Afghanistan's opium poppy harvest produces more than 90% of illicit heroin globally, and more than 95% of the European supply. More land is used for opium in Afghanistan than is used for coca cultivation in Latin America.

When did USA invade Afghanistan? How long have they been there?

Do you know that poppy growing has more or less been eradicated during Taliban's rule before the invasion?
opium is no longer lucrative when prc corners the world’s opioid market with their synthetic drugs 69 times more powderful than opium. you can call it opioid terrorism.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Chinese pressure strengthens Czech senator's resolve to visit Taiwan
Senator says Czech Republic should 'stop counting coins,' stick to core principles by visiting Taiwan

It's very easy to trigger the Chicoms... any of the following keywords will do the trick: Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, Nanjing (Nanking), Xinjiang, (name of island in South China Sea) etc.


Alfrescian (Inf)
All around the world the Tiongs are threatening countries. Sweden, Australia, Europe etc. People you can now see the true colors of the PRC Chinaman today.

China is not your friend

It started long ago: threatening film companies, video game companies, fashion companies, NBA. Always using the '1.4 billion Chinese market' as a threat.

Usually people kowtowed to China's demands. Emboldened by this, it began to threaten countries which do not behave properly. :rolleyes:

Xi Jinping is such an insecure fat fucker, the sooner he gets droned, the better it is for the world.


It started long ago: threatening film companies, video game companies, fashion companies, NBA. Always using the '1.4 billion Chinese market' as a threat.

Usually people kowtowed to China's demands. Emboldened by this, it began to threaten countries which do not behave properly. :rolleyes:

Xi Jinping is such an insecure fat fucker, the sooner he gets droned, the better it is for the world.
You know the more I read about this whole Fentanyl thing the more I am shocked. Where is that loser with this British Empire Opium bullshit - would like to have him explain why his new master the PRC is manufacturing and becoming the new drug smuggler of the world - I mean this is at the Government level. They want people to get hooked and now look what is happening. 400,000 illegal fentanyl labs in China - makes the mexican drug cartel look like mickey mouse for fucks sake.

Literally - the more you read about what China is up to, its nothing but bad news for us all!

Dont we in Singapore have the death penalty for drug smugglers?

China is not your friend


You know the more I read about this whole Fentanyl thing the more I am shocked. Where is that loser with this British Empire Opium bullshit - would like to have him explain why his new master the PRC is manufacturing and becoming the new drug smuggler of the world - I mean this is at the Government level. They want people to get hooked and now look what is happening. 400,000 illegal fentanyl labs in China - makes the mexican drug cartel look like mickey mouse for fucks sake.

Literally - the more you read about what China is up to, its nothing but bad news for us all!

Dont we in Singapore have the death penalty for drug smugglers?

China is not your friend
I think you're looking for tanwahtiu.