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Cyclist abuse and slapped girl for not giving way! Guess the race!!


sinkie tdf wannabe logic is: more sexpensive the bike better the cyclist.
More sexpensive and the lighter the bike...weight of bike is mostest important.so to offset the high cost of the lightest bike. They castrate themselves to save a few grams..but for some..they will eat 1 m&m n gain it all back...

Furthermore, Singkieland is hot n humid, heaps of construction n vehicles so dusts, smog, smoke etc...n cycle on the roads amongst these vehicles... sounds really safe n healthy to me...n the worst thing is they threaten legitimate road users...no wonder they are hated more than parasites


More sexpensive and the lighter the bike...weight of bike is mostest important.so to offset the high cost of the lightest bike. They castrate themselves to save a few grams..but for some..they will eat 1 m&m n gain it all back...

Furthermore, Singkieland is hot n humid, heaps of construction n vehicles so dusts, smog, smoke etc...n cycle on the roads amongst these vehicles... sounds really safe n healthy to me...n the worst thing is they threaten legitimate road users...no wonder they are hated more than parasites
Cute. Legitimate road users who don't pay a tax? Sounds like the definition of parasite to me. :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
The footpath opposite Sengkang Hospital is full of cyclist all the way until Jalan kayu and many of them are foreigners.
Once I had a cyclist who cycled straight at me and refused to give way because he said the government encouraged cycling.
This is the brain child of Khaw Boon Wan and the PAP and these cyclist will be the next killer after the PMD's.
The PAP has made Singapore a dangerous place to walk and until you vote the PAP out, just continue to suffer .
Only when many died and got seriously injured did the PAP ban the PMD's from footpath and I still see some on the pavements

In the first place these cyclist are supposed to be on the road and not pavements but due to the PAP's ridiculous policy to protect cars and cyclist , we have pedestrians being put in danger instead. What kind of govt put the lives of the large majority in danger to protect a small minority?


The footpath opposite Sengkang Hospital is full of cyclist all the way until Jalan kayu and many of them are foreigners.
Once I had a cyclist who cycled straight at me and refused to give way because he said the government encouraged cycling.
This is the brain child of Khaw Boon Wan and the PAP and these cyclist will be the next killer after the PMD's.
The PAP has made Singapore a dangerous place to walk and until you vote the PAP out, just continue to suffer .
Only when many died and got seriously injured did the PAP ban the PMD's from footpath and I still see some on the pavements

In the first place these cyclist are supposed to be on the road and not pavements but due to the PAP's ridiculous policy to protect cars and cyclist , we have pedestrians being put in danger instead. What kind of govt put the lives of the large majority in danger to protect a small minority?
I am in complete agreement.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The police told AsiaOne on Tuesday (March 29) that they received a call for assistance along Sengkang East Road on March 26 at about 9am.

A 57-year-old man is assisting with investigations. lol........