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Cyclist abuse and slapped girl for not giving way! Guess the race!!


@syed putra Is that you???


On 26.03.2022 at around 9am, I was walking with my husband along the footpath adjacent to Sengkang East Way (beside Sengkang Hospital), towards Sengkang East Road. As I am hearing impaired, I did not realise that a cyclist from behind was ringing his bell non-stop until my husband gestured at me to move to the left.

After that, a female cyclist rode past me on the right, followed by a male cyclist on a bright orange Trek Marlin mountain bike. The male cyclist stared at us in an unfriendly manner and muttered what sounded like a vulgarity. He kept turning his head back to stare at us as he continued riding forward towards Sengkang East Road before stopping at the traffic junction of Sengkang East Way with Sengkang East Road.

We continued walking in the same direction and soon caught up with him at the same junction. We stood a distance away behind him while waiting for the traffic light as he continued to stare aggressively at us. However, he then shouted, “Don’t know how to give way is it?” at us.

We told him that we have already given way once we realised that someone was ringing a bell at us from behind. I also explained to him that I have a hearing impairment and therefore did not hear his bell ringing until my husband told me about it. However, the man continued his verbal abuse so I took out my mobile phone to record him.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and slapped me on my cheek, which became red as shown in one of the pictures. This was witnessed by the people at the traffic island as well as people who were making their way across the junction towards our side.
I asked him why he hit a woman in broad daylight and told him not to leave as I’ll be calling the police. He then tried to escape by cycling across the junction even though the lights were not in his favour. Thankfully, a middle-aged Indian couple with a young daughter and a young Malay man who had seen what happened, tried to prevent him from leaving while my husband who also stood in front of his bicycle in case even though my husband is nursing an injury.

However, the cyclist suddenly rode his bicycle straight into my husband before trying again to escape. The Indian couple held him back while we tried calling the police. He then sneered at us, saying that “call police also no use as the police can’t do anything to him”.

When the lights turned in his favour, the man broke free and sped off across the junction before turning left in the direction towards Punggol so my husband and I gave chase.

We also tried enlisting the help of bystanders to stop him and a Chinese man who was jogging tried to chase him down, but we lost sight of them around Block 261. We lodged a police report immediately in person at Sengkang NPC although the police were not able to track him down.

If you know anyone who had witnessed the incident or know this person, we would appreciate if you can please contact Sengkang NPC at 1800 - 343 8999.

The assailant is a Malay man in his late 30s/early 40s, around 170+ cm tall with a tanned complexion. He was wearing a black long-sleeved “Camel Smokercross” cycling jersey, orange sports sunglasses and a white “British Cycling” balaclava. He is likely a resident of Sengkang/Punggol.

Thank you for your help and we appreciate.


Old Fart
Cyclists these days have a bad rep, and rightly deserved. One of the reasons I gave up cycling. PMDs are public enemy number one, cyclists are number two.


Useless spineless chicken shit Chinese husband.
Your wife kana slapped and...?
Do that to my wife and minimally you will be blind.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Oppies! If PAP was in charge of slumkang, this sort of barbaric behavior would not have happened.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
He said police can't do anything to him ? lol......... Even diplomatic immunity have to answer to crimes committed. By the look probably foreign mama from land of the rape or just idiot m&d.. lah....

Only a certain 'group' in SG can commit 'honest mistakes' /roflmao @ sinkies.

SG with all the foreigners & ethnicities & pappy porlumpars we have the bestest baotoh culture. Familiar with the phrase 'Can sleep well tonight' ? lol..... So eye catching his neighbors will report him very soon just wet and see. lol.......
