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Serious Cultural Medallion Winner Towkay Neo Asks All Samsters To Support His Musang King Movie!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Outside the GV cinema at Plaza Singapura, there is a box playing the trailer of his shitty movie on loop. No other movie gets this treatment. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sibei gian png! Always rely on the same old stale formula. If film is so mediocre, how to support even though its local. Lol


I would rather go Geylang and makan some real Musang King. Although it will cost a lot more, but at least it's worth it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
He should make some arty-farty movies dealing with LGBT, incest, rape, murder etc instead of appealing to the lowest dregs of Sinkie society with low budget crass productions. Shitty movies like this won't be considered by Cannes and will not immortalize him as a director. :wink:

But if he was tasked by the totalitarian regime to produce propaganda with a 'local flavour' then that's understandable. :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
How come this tiko can get culturial medal ?

Good dogs get rewarded.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Tiko neo produced great movies ? ROFL.....

Time for you to eat your words.

Jack Neo's 'The King of Musang King' makes S$807,000 at S'pore box office in 4 days, highest-earning CNY movie


Jack Neo is raking in the big bucks for his latest Chinese New Year (CNY) movie "The King of Musang King".

Highest grossing CNY film of 2023
According to mm2 Entertainment, the durian-centric film topped the Singapore box office over the CNY weekend, and made S$807,000 in four days.

The movie opened in cinemas on Jan. 21.

It earned over S$257,000 on its first day alone, Shin Min Daily News reported.

It has made RM2 million (S$616,000) at the Malaysian box office so far.

Speaking to Mothership, Neo shared that he hopes the movie will be shown in more countries for more "fans of durian" to enjoy.

"The King of Musang King" is currently showing in Singapore and Malaysia.

The 63-year-old said:

"I'm overjoyed [that the movie] is number one at the box office. I feel a huge sense of gratification that the audience likes it, and it feels like the months of research and hard work from the scriptwriters have paid off."

In the film, Neo plays the ambitious durian farmer, Mao Shan, who aims to better his business prospects together with Mei Lian, played by Malaysian actress, Yeo Yann Yann.

It also stars Mark Lee, Henry Thia, Glenn Yong, and Angeline Teoh.
