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Crypto Contagion - Coinbase is failing

Byebye Penis

Is coinbase going bust soon?



Alfrescian (Inf)
More Temasek money flushed down the toilet.

Are you sure 8% GST is enough to recoup the losses?

Singapore Dancing Spirit


Coinbase isn't directly exposed, but the FTX scandal further erodes trust in cryptocurrencies. I believe that may be reason why it is falling.​

The other reasons:

Though coinbase has lost its rival, it has launched Coinbase business in India recently for Indians to manipulate.

As such coinbase is now rolling its two platforms into one.

The Coinbase Pro cryptocurrency trading platform is shutting down for good. Users who still have funds with the service will have their assets moved to Coinbase's main platform.

There are some changes going on complicating the platform for the beginners or medium investors

Singapore Dancing Spirit



  • The bankruptcy of FTX removes a major competitor for Coinbase.
  • Unfortunately, it also drives another nail in the coffin of the cryptocurrency bubble.
  • Coinbase may think it is the last man standing,
  • Similar to FTX relocated its HQ from HK to Bahamas before the crash, COINBASE is moving its base to INDIA. That is too risky

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Both FTX and COINBASE were busy recruiting senior level positions for its India operations via LinkedIn recently. Just prior to the collapse.

Remember Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft all invested so much money for making use of Indians in order to employ shortcuts to generate ROI. Any company that started business in India never expect to win. Any company that employs Indians predominantly cannot survive as well. SG ECONOMY is destined for destruction as smart nation is now became a stupid nation
Example recent losses of Singtel, SIA, DBS to name a few

Twitter exposed shady business of Indians using bots and fake accounts to maintain its monopoly.
I am getting 50 mails from Indians touting for shortcuts to promote more clicks and generate more traffic into our businesses. These things wont work going forward


Alfrescian (Inf)
Both FTX and COINBASE were busy recruiting senior level positions for its India operations via LinkedIn recently. Just prior to the collapse.

Remember Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft all invested so much money for making use of Indians in order to employ shortcuts to generate ROI. Any company that started business in India never expect to win. Any company that employs Indians predominantly cannot survive as well. SG ECONOMY is destined for destruction as smart nation is now became a stupid nation
Example recent losses of Singtel, SIA, DBS to name a few

Twitter exposed shady business of Indians using bots and fake accounts to maintain its monopoly.
I am getting 50 mails from Indians touting for shortcuts to promote more clicks and generate more traffic into our businesses. These things wont work going forward

I hope you know 'smart' nation is really about total surveillance through technology, in accordance to the WEF's whims. :wink:
It is not even a secret, they have literally told you their gameplan countless times, in plain sight. :cool:



Singapore Dancing Spirit

I hope you know 'smart' nation is really about total surveillance through technology, in accordance to the WEF's whims. :wink:
It is not even a secret, they have literally told you their gameplan countless times, in plain sight. :cool:


You are absolutely right and you are on right track!

The transformation of all FinTech infrastructure into cloud is to bring Monopoly for Rothschild’s business

is consolidating all data from all money markets and BFSI to gain dominance over all nations. All USA based IT giants are bastards to employ CECA to gain access to the BIG DATA.

Big data big money. Amazon and Elon Musk generated more valuable data and so they made more money than WhatsApp, Facebook, Apple or Google. All smartnation initiatives helped these companies to gain information including heart beats rates etc. china gave some resistance but no resistance from india or Singapore as they dont value privacy of data. Mr Shanmugam was very busy repealing 377A than bring amendments to data privacy laws

My profound knowledge and wisdom together with my warfare with lion and dragon set me up success to bring judgement to the nations.

Rothschild family will be the first family expected to arrive into speakers corner in SG. They will be teleported without ICAs checks. It is all spiritual.