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Crazy Rich Asians - I am low SES. I feel that GP affects my life.


Andrewloh supports police 100%. According to him they are never wrong because they are just doing their job. If he was the nuremberg judge all nazis would have been set free


As for F1, first year they reported huge losses for businesses all round. Now dknt even dare tk report anymore. But hey the bosses still vote to be fucked no?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I cannot relate to the F1 or the scenes in Crazy Rich Asians.
As a low SES, I can no longer catch up with the pace in life here.

But u whine to the extend of making a thread online when u couldn't take taxi and had to take public transport to deliver some mooncakes because of some temporary road closure.my guess is ur not very used to whipping out that ezlink card.

I remember when I used to run a carousell business and had 20 to 30 orders to fulfill every month and no car...that was a very fun time.


But u whine to the extend of making a thread online when u couldn't take taxi and had to take public transport to deliver some mooncakes because of some temporary road closure.my guess is ur not very used to whipping out that ezlink card.

I remember when I used to run a carousell business and had 20 to 30 orders to fulfill every month and no car...that was a very fun time.

hahaha, in jest.