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Crazy Rich Asians - I am low SES. I feel that GP affects my life.


I don't work in town but I got to avoid town area. I was about to send mooncakes to an office in town on Thursday and then I realized that I couldn't claim taxi fares and got to take MRT.

I can't believe that after so many years of negative feedbacks, we continue to shut down road transport to our financial centre annually, just for the thrill of a few rich people who like to sit on spectator-stands to heard the loud ZOOMS of the race car engines.

so much for these Crazy Rich Asians


Old Fart
I have never been a fan of this F1 rubbish and I do not appreciate the inconvenience it causes to the common man. And how it affects local businesses. I can't wait for this stupid thing to be over and done with.

For me, real racing is off-road rallies like Paris-Dakar Rally, Baja 1000.


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
I have never been a fan of this F1 rubbish and I do not appreciate the inconvenience it causes to the common man. And how it affects local businesses. I can't wait for this stupid thing to be over and done with.

For me, real racing is off-road rallies like Paris-Dakar Rally, Baja 1000.
PAP's High See Pride! :biggrin:
To me, they should just build a fugging track in Pulau Ubin or some guy outskirt island and race till their cock burn out. I fugging hate the inconvenience caused in city area too.


Old Fart
PAP's High See Pride! :biggrin:
To me, they should just build a fugging track in Pulau Ubin or some guy outskirt island and race till their cock burn out. I fugging hate the inconvenience caused in city area too.
Yep, pap is very how lian. They love these high profile, high expense events. Not to mention building massive structures to impress the world. While sinkies eat grass.


PAP's High See Pride! :biggrin:
To me, they should just build a fugging track in Pulau Ubin or some guy outskirt island and race till their cock burn out. I fugging hate the inconvenience caused in city area too.

you never tried this track?


Yep, pap is very how lian. They love these high profile, high expense events. Not to mention building massive structures to impress the world. While sinkies eat grass.

I cannot relate to the F1 or the scenes in Crazy Rich Asians.
As a low SES, I can no longer catch up with the pace in life here.


Old Fart
If Singapore is a MCST, the audited accounts revealed that there are a lot of money in sinking fund.
However, the monthly maintenance fee keeps increasing.
Well, we're not too sure if the sinking fund still has money in it or not. And who is auditing? Is it even being audited? :eek:


Sometimes I feel lost; I am so different from the majority.
I ask myself if there is still a purpose for me to remain in this land.

People like us can only vote with our legs - eventually leave this place.


Old Fart
Sometimes I feel lost; I am so different from the majority.
I ask myself if there is still a purpose for me to remain in this land.

People like us can only vote with our legs - eventually leave this place.
Hang tough and wait for a few more election cycles. See if things will improve. Just do your best in the mean time, for yourself and for your loved ones.


Hang tough and wait for a few more election cycles. See if things will improve. Just do your best in the mean time, for yourself and for your loved ones.

I prefer to sink the 70% by giving the incumbent a stronger mandate in the next elections.
They reap what they sow.
