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CPIB give chance to corrupted GLC officers. Closed 1 eye


Government can use internal security act to jail these corrupted vip but why government never do that ? Do u remember how Dan Tan was jailed without trial ?

Singapore Dancing Spirit

The Most corrupted nations in the world (in the order)
  1. India
  2. Malaysia
  3. Brazil
No wonder SG deals with all the above three nations/
Even SG banks were involved in 1MDB saga. But MAS closed one eye too. -

Singapore Dancing Spirit


One guy who is running a liquor shop in little India played a music so loudly like in CECA land. I was standing at the next shop but i could not talk on the phone as it was too loud and asked the guy to lower the volume little bit and he was not happy, and he punched on my face, and I am not sure if he was drunk. I was bleeding. I know i could have retaliated but kept myself cool not to react. I called COPS for help. The Officers arrived and took my statement, and I was asked to go to CGH emergency.

The investigating officer Mr. Poh Eng asked me yo ,eet him at his office in Cantonment several times. He even asked me the physical (bodily) wounds, my IT gadgets and sunglasses were broken. Finally, I was told that the AG Chambers asked both warning letters.

Does Singapore AG know anything about serving warning letters to Victims.?
That is because the law ministry is handling by Mr. Shanmugam who runs a thug life himself as you can see in the parliament. He will not give a straightforward answer to his colleagues during Parliament debates.

I was so devastated. I discerned spiritually hat the accused bribed $2000 to the IO Poh Eng to close the case victimizing a victim further. I went to CPIB to report the matter about the officer who accepted bribes. The CPIB officer asked me to come back one day later. The next day the CPIB officer asked me to substantiate the evidence. I told the officer if i have such evidence's why we need a CPIB for Sinkaporeans as we can go to the magistrate directly without a need for police help. They were unwilling to accept my petition.

Anyway, devil was with me all along and i warned him, all tho0se who involved from, Poh Eng, AGC, AG, Chief of Justice and even the Law Minister will have to take up the stand to defend for the life in due time. Because it is all Spiritual. Devil and his supporters will be leaving earth on that day. I am inching towards that moment.

SPF fake
AGC Fake
Justice system Fake
Law ministry is Fake.
And Law and order in SG is Pseudo Law and order.

What is the law maker himself break, the law??
Then who holds the Law.... Mr. Shanmugam, and Mr. Sundaresh Menon will understand in due time.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

All irresponsible CPIB officers will have to take the stand and testify that their salary or income is unjustified.
But may impact everyone in PAP as Satan aka devil aka Lion protected them in the past. Not anymore.

Now Satan cannot protect himself as his wrongdoings have already reached the Supreme Governor of the whole Universe. There is NONE above Him
So, whoever sided with Lion must get prepared to take the judgement of God before the appointed time!!!


Who are these culprits who stole GLC money ? Maybe samsters here can help to list their names, pictures, their daughters and grand daughters pictures


Maybe for some misdemeanours eg traffic offence of speeding or unhygienic condition at hawker stall, u can give a stern warning.But coŕruption is a serious offence in Singapore,how can CPIB under the PM not charged against the offenders ? The job of CPIB is to catch corrupt offenders in private or public sector. Why is the CPIB so benevolent towards the corrupt perpetrators ? If I am not wrong,this is the first time in Singapore that corrupt offenders are given stern warning and go scot-free. Will singapore's reputation as a zero tolerance for corruption be tarnished ?