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CPIB completes investigation on Iswaran, case pending AGC review - Mothership.SG


CPIB completes investigation on Iswaran, case pending AGC review - Mothership.SG
The Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau's (CPIB) investigation into Minister for Transport S. Iswaran has been completed and is currently being reviewed by the Attorney-General's Chambers, said Minister Chan Chun Sing, on behalf of the Prime Minister.
In a written response to Progress Singapore Party's Hazel Poa's parliamentary question asking for an update on the CPIB's investigation of Iswaran, Chan said that he understands there is much public interest in the matter.
"I want to give my assurance that this case will be put through the due legal process," he added, stating that the CPIB has completed a "robust and thorough investigation".
"The matter is currently being reviewed by the Attorney-General's Chambers. It would, therefore, not be appropriate to comment on the matter at this juncture," he added.

CPIB investigating Iswaran since May 2023​

CPIB came across information on Iswaran during another investigation.
This started a quiet investigation in May 2023, and PM Lee was alerted to it on May 29, 2023.
On Jul. 5, CPIB told PM Lee that they had attained adequate information to launch a formal investigation into Iswaran. PM Lee gave the director of CPIB his concurrence to launch a formal investigation.
Iswaran was subsequently arrested by CPIB on Jul. 11 and released on bail.
He was arrested on the same day as billionaire hotelier Ong Beng Seng.
PM Lee instructed Iswaran to take a leave of absence until CPIB's investigations are completed.
During his leave of absence, Senior Minister of State Chee Hong Tat will be the Acting Minister for Transport, and Iswaran will not have access to "any official resources and government buildings".
He is also to remain in Singapore while investigations are ongoing.
CPIB stated that it is unable to provide further details about the case while investigations are ongoing.

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Photos via S. Iswaran/Facebook
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Knn all try to drag ,cb , lol, LKY is right all along, during LKY time also hv , now youngster Don know,lol,sg is like Malaysia even worse


N u see sinkies kpkb abt hawker price ,cb come 109k also buy ,flat 99 yrs they Don own it also buy ,lol ,who is dumb ,even jinx say take it as oay rental,lol,si kids also pay land tax n property tax tot they Don own it,dinkies really cb dumb


LHL figuring out how to break the news to the the public. How to explain that Ah Wan is innocent ..
Live and let live and vote for PAP.


This is problem when a party control a cou try for many years with one party ownself chk ownself , n also if lost money they jack up all prices with country to cover up losses like jinx, but sinkies like to be screwed in the ass n work hard to pay n top up,lol,like everyone with money say let those salaried person suffer ,we rich Don bothered let those low class fucker suffer, wat old forlks say its truth ,n rich n intelligent old folks, I admired their intelligence


Lanjiao, this Desmond Lee release balloon again before that ah qua release news, cb ownself chk ownself,cannot find loop holes to avoid ,Lankan, sure just fine n no jail,let's see, knn if our opposition hv support ,more skeletons in closet revealed,but 70% sinkies are dumb, they song with it ,but in the end if all break loose,they will be shocked,its like MLM


Funking ugly party ,ccb ,F1 already so many years ,making so many years ,think must hv whistle blower that why lsn lan reveal, more to come,lky is correct ,but many sinkies still kumlan


Cb sure no jail n getcawya free with billions ccb,talk abt 30ok plus freebies fuck thrn ,if u earn millions per Yr with pension will u risk for funking 380k ,ccb ,sinkies ate dumb,no wonder do many pussies ate veing ramp