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Covid is spreading in West Taiwan


China can let loose and open borders and spread to Europe and US... time to humilate back for the WOGames...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Tens of thousands people who are being locked in their apartments are screaming now. 2022/03/02 Shenzhen city China

SG also same but but....Sinkies screaming PAP giving out money again, in fact they're all ecstatic ! Huat Ah ! PAP BANZAI ~~ !


Alfrescian (Inf)
China dream is coming, coming, coming
lets enjoy the china dream show:

China reports 1,437 new confirmed COVID-19 cases, 17 million in Shenzhen under lockdown​



Alfrescian (Inf)
this is what it feels like when you have xi virus in the prc. you're all alone, and the authorities and entire town are after you.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hopefully Shanghai will follow suit since cases are rising there. Looking forward to whole Beijing being lockdown.