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Covid-19 will run its course.....


Super Moderator
Staff member
Wuflu Covd-19 will become endemic in the human race.

Sweden was right after all, it appears. Only that the initial death toll would not be acceptable in most nation, hence, the initial series of lockdowns. In subsequent years when CV-19 returns (I suspect on an annual basis), there will be no need for such lockdowns anymore.

Covid19 got overhyped by media and social media.

And it was because of how China reacted with a lockdown which WHO praised.

In future it will be hard to trust WHO anymore.

However we will have even MORE scares through the media and social media.

Question is will people be interested and support lockdowns again?


I never said it should be taken lightly. For certain portions of the population it can be deadly. All I'm saying is that it does not warrant shutting down a whole economy. Life is fraught with dangers and Covid-19 is just one of many.
just keep your jibye mouth shut and the world will be free from virus



COVID-19 could be with us for a long time, but it can be contained: Head of NCID
Professor Leo Yee Sin speaks at a COVID-19 webinar organised by the National University of Singapore on May 14, 2020.Bookmark
SINGAPORE: COVID-19 might be "with us for a long time", but the coronavirus can be contained if Singapore follows its "dance steps", said leading infectious diseases specialist Leo Yee Sin on Thursday (May 14).
Calling the ongoing "circuit breaker" a "hammer" to curb the spread of the virus, she said that while strict safe distancing measures have flattened the infection curve in the community, such restrictions are "not sustainable".
"Eventually, we need to come out of that lockdown situation," said Professor Leo, who was speaking at a webinar organised by the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and National University Health System.
However, it's unlikely that the virus will be eliminated, so the next step would be to minimise its impact, she said.
"What is left is for us to now develop a system to be able to contain the virus in a way that we basically follow the dance step of the virus," said Prof Leo, who is the executive director of the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID).
Hammer and dance COVID-19 chart NCID
Source: Tomas Pueyo via National Centre for Infectious Diseases.
She said that the most likely scenario would be "waves of the epidemic interspersed with periods of low-level transmissions". Singapore needs to have the ability and healthcare capacity to cope with intermittent surges of infections, she added.
"It is extremely important that we need to be able to sustain that (public health) capacity and capability; continue to have active case finding (and be) able to contact trace, isolate, quarantine and have a rapid response team to be able to respond to any of the potential epidemic waves in the future," she said.
READ: Coronavirus may never go away: WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Wednesday that the coronavirus may never go away.
"It is important to put this on the table: this virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities, and this virus may never go away," WHO emergencies expert Mike Ryan told an online briefing.
"I think there are no promises in this and there are no dates. This disease may settle into a long problem, or it may not be."
Prof Leo gave a similar assessment, adding that with the suppression of the virus, Singapore can reduce the rate of infection and the death toll while buying time until vaccines become available.
"We are all waiting for more good news on effective pharmaceutical interventions - whether remdesivir will one day become standard treatment - and possibly all waiting for one day that we can see effective vaccines made available," she added.
READ: Ebola drug remdesivir used to treat COVID-19 patients in Singapore as part of clinical trials
Singapore has recorded 26,098 cases of COVID-19 so far, with the vast majority of the cases among foreign workers living in dormitories. Twenty-one people have died of complications due to COVID-19.
The number of new daily cases in the community has fallen to single digits in recent days, about five weeks into the circuit breaker period.
Prof Leo, a veteran of several epidemics including the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003, admitted that this was one of the "hardest viruses" she has tackled.
"I must say that no outbreaks are exactly the same," she said.
"They are different viruses, different characteristics.
"We thought that we would not be challenged by a virus of this nature. This virus is really one of the, I would say, so far, one of the hardest virus I can see, in terms of how this virus can easily move around the human population ... Just be ready that it will be with us for a long time."
She said that it has been "a very stressful period" for the healthcare sector in Singapore.
She added: "At NCID, we were provided with a small surge team, but honestly it's grossly inadequate.
"So then we have to look at our partnering institutions, Tan Tock Seng Hospital just across the road, to give us the manpower enhancement, and soon very quickly, we realised it wasn't enough."
The entire nation is now engaged in the battle against the disease, she said.
"This is what we call whole of Government approach, where it is no longer just restricted to the healthcare sector, it is the whole of Government being activated with almost every ministry being involved in the entire fight against COVID-19."

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Covid19 got overhyped by media and social media.

And it was because of how China reacted with a lockdown which WHO praised.

In future it will be hard to trust WHO anymore.

However we will have even MORE scares through the media and social media.

Question is will people be interested and support lockdowns again?

There is plenty of misinformation on both sides - from those who feel the virus should be treated no different from the usual influenza strains, to the ivory academics who want to lock down the whole economy until a vaccine can be found 24 months later. China had every incentive to play down the virus, but they had no choice but to lock down Wuhan and declare it to the world. They had no choice as it was a novel virus with more severe symptoms compared to the usual influenza.

I think people should not support any more lockdowns and should accept that the Wuflu will become endemic.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
There is plenty of misinformation on both sides - from those who feel the virus should be treated no different from the usual influenza strains, to the ivory academics who want to lock down the whole economy until a vaccine can be found 24 months later. China had every incentive to play down the virus, but they had no choice but to lock down Wuhan and declare it to the world. They had no choice as it was a novel virus with more severe symptoms compared to the usual influenza.

I think people should not support any more lockdowns and should accept that the Wuflu will become endemic.

Why can't Covid-19 be treated just like an influenza virus? We accept that there will be deaths from influenza despite a vaccine being available so why can't we accept that there will be deaths from Covid-19 even if the deaths are double that of the flu mortality rate? What is the cut off?


Covid19 is to purge the old and weak.
Lanjiao Loong and Cheebye Ching can get themselves infected and done with.


Alfrescian (Inf)
lockdown just an excuse to reset the world economy. gone with the old school completely and force everyone to conform to IT based economy. Mass unemployment will be the norm for the next few years.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Why can't Covid-19 be treated just like an influenza virus? We accept that there will be deaths from influenza despite a vaccine being available so why can't we accept that there will be deaths from Covid-19 even if the deaths are double that of the flu mortality rate? What is the cut off?

Case in point: The idiots at Imperial College who suggested that mankind should lockdown for 18 months until a vaccine is out all have tenure and they are entitled to full pensions in event of retirement. You have to realize these people literally have nothing to lose. And they are old, meaning that they are most susceptible.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why can't Covid-19 be treated just like an influenza virus? We accept that there will be deaths from influenza despite a vaccine being available so why can't we accept that there will be deaths from Covid-19 even if the deaths are double that of the flu mortality rate? What is the cut off?

The influenza virus wasn't developed in a lab. :wink:

Also we don't know the real death numbers from China... yet. :cool:

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The disease will run its course, but it will run the same course every year from now on. Next year, we can't afford to go lockdown again. We will have to carry on as per normal.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why can't Covid-19 be treated just like an influenza virus? We accept that there will be deaths from influenza despite a vaccine being available so why can't we accept that there will be deaths from Covid-19 even if the deaths are double that of the flu mortality rate? What is the cut off?

You tell me? What would you have done for Italy?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The disease will run its course, but it will run the same course every year from now on. Next year, we can't afford to go lockdown again. We will have to carry on as per normal.
You tell me? What would you have done for Italy?

Carry on with life, keep the economy going, treat the sick and bury the dead. What else can humans do. We are not gods.


Alfrescian (Inf)
There is plenty of misinformation on both sides - from those who feel the virus should be treated no different from the usual influenza strains, to the ivory academics who want to lock down the whole economy until a vaccine can be found 24 months later. China had every incentive to play down the virus, but they had no choice but to lock down Wuhan and declare it to the world. They had no choice as it was a novel virus with more severe symptoms compared to the usual influenza.

I think people should not support any more lockdowns and should accept that the Wuflu will become endemic.

There are not that many academics or doctors who want a lock down until vaccine or cure is found. The virus is not under control in many countries. So unlocking prematurely will only lead to relocking.

When people are dying by the thousands, business is not going to be as usual.

I agree with you ...those regions that have demands for unlocking should meet those demands by putting these whatever you call them in one area. Let them do what they want, just don't join the other communities that prefer to preserve their lives.