Bad mouthing Chinese and Chinese are safer. Try bad mouthing Allah and Muslims of u have balls....
keep yr mouth shut if don't have balls...
chinese are human beings and not infallible
chinese are not above and beyond criticism
chinese are one of many nationalities ethnicities or races depending on how they are defined
Allah is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe
all beings created and sustained by Allah (SWT)
Allah (SWT) can not be compared to any creation whatsoever
as for Muslims,
soft/weak/dubious bunch like melayun/indon/asean natives or other imbecile races are regularly insulted
I see nothing wrong with that
we ask
why no Islamic Khilafah or Caliphate in English was
ever centred around melayun/indon/asean countries?
why no Islamic Khilafah or Caliphate in English was
ever centred around nigger/afro countries?
why no Islamic Khilafah or Caliphate in English was
ever centred around Paki/Bangla/etc countries?
why no Islamic Khilafah or Caliphate in English was
ever centred around Balkan regions?
ALL Islamic Khilafah or Caliphate in English were always centred around the wider Middle Eastern region?
of Hejaz (a region in today's artificially created Saudi Arabia), of Damascus/Syria, of Baghdad/Iraq, of Cairo/Egypt, of Andalusia/Spain, of Istanbul/Anatolia/Turkey...