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[COVID-19 Virus] The Sinkies are fucked Thread.


Germany and Sweden...... similar vaccination rates but vastly different outcomes in 2021.

You either take losses early or you stretch them out over the long term. Vaccines don't make a difference.

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Vaccination is not about case numbers

It's about ICU admission and healthcare resources. Always have been and always will be

But thanks for staying true to your principles to sow confusion and discord for your bunch of moronic followers so they may go ape shit


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Vaccination is not about case numbers

It's about ICU admission and healthcare resources. Always have been and always will be

But thanks for staying true to your principles to sow confusion and discord for your bunch of moronic followers so they may go ape shit

Sweden to an early hit with the alpha variant in the first half of 2020 when there was not a single vaccine in sight.

However despite the current plethora of vaccine choices Germany is now starting to see more and more people dying at a 400% higher rate compared to Sweden.

ICU admissions are a lot higher too.

If everyone had just allowed the alpha variant to spread instead of locking down the whole world would have been over Covid by now.

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Sweden to an early hit with the alpha variant in the first half of 2020 when there was not a single vaccine in sight.

However despite the current plethora of vaccine choices Germany is now starting to see more and more people dying at a 400% higher rate compared to Sweden.

ICU admissions are a lot higher too.

If everyone had just allowed the alpha variant to spread instead of locking down the whole world would have been over Covid by now.

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Irrelevant now

Only 5% of unvaxxed filths left

Let them meet the virus head on and contribute to hospital coffers next month


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Sweden's ICU admssions : 3.5 per million population

Germany ICU admissions : 35 per million population ie 10 TIMES HIGHER!!!

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High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Irrelevant now

Only 5% of unvaxxed filths left

Let them meet the virus head on and contribute to hospital coffers next month

If it was only the unvaxxed all well and good. The problem is that this isn't the case. It's the vaxxed who have found out to their dismay that the vaccines aren't actually vaccines after all.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Go ahead . Preach your anti vaxx sentiments

Only 5% left

The rest of us moved on and going back normal

Going back to normal??? I don't think so. Austria is locking down everyone and many other Euro countries who were not as smart as Sweden are following suit in rapid succession.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

Austria to go into full lockdown as Covid surges​

3 days ago

Related Topics
People wait in front of a vaccination bus during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Vienna
Image source, Reuters
Image caption,
One in three Austrians is not yet vaccinated, one of the lowest rates in Western Europe
Days after Austria imposed a lockdown on the unvaccinated, it has announced a full national Covid-19 lockdown starting on Monday.
Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said it would last a maximum of 20 days and there would be a legal requirement to get vaccinated from 1 February 2022.
He was responding to record case numbers and one of the lowest vaccination levels in Western Europe.
Many other European countries are imposing restrictions as cases rise.
"We don't want a fifth wave," said Mr Schallenberg after meeting the governors of Austria's nine provinces at a resort in the west of the country.
For a long time, there had been a consensus over avoiding mandatory vaccinations, the chancellor said.

However, too many people had been incited not to get the jab, because of "too many political forces, flimsy vaccination opponents and fake news", he added. The measures are yet to be finalised.
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Latest figures show the incidence rate has risen to 1,049.9 cases per 100,000 people in the past week, and Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein said imposing a lockdown was a "last resort". A record 15,809 cases were reported in the past 24 hours, in a population of under nine million.
Under the measures, Austrians will be asked to work from home, non-essential shops will close, and schools will remain open for children who require face-to-face learning. They will continue until 12 December, but will be reassessed after 10 days.
Neighbouring Germany has seen several days of record infections this week, and Health Minister Jens Spahn has spoken of "a national emergency that requires a combined national effort".
German leaders have already agreed to introduce restrictions for unvaccinated people in areas with high hospital admissions. And parliament has backed requirements for people to show Covid passes on buses and trains, and in workplaces.
But now in Bavaria, which borders Austria, state premier Markus Söder has gone further, declaring a "de facto lockdown for the unvaccinated". Bars and clubs will close for three weeks and all Christmas markets have been cancelled. Where weekly incidence rates top 1,000 per 100,000 people - restaurants, hotels, sport and culture will also close.

Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger has already announced that a "lockdown for the unvaccinated" will start on Monday, and the Czech government is also limiting access to a variety of services. The Netherlands introduced a partial lockdown last weekend.
In the UK - where there is currently no lockdown, although masks have to be worn in some parts of the country - the incidence rate per 100,000 is 395.4 cases, officials figures show.
Europe cases rise graphic

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Austria's is the first full lockdown imposed by an EU country this winter.
The Europe regional director of the World Health Organization, Hans Kluge, has warned of a hard winter ahead. He blamed insufficient vaccination coverage along with "the easing of preventive measures and the spread of the more transmissible Delta variant".
Russia on Friday declared a record number of 1,254 Covid deaths in the past 24 hours, for the third day in a row.
Hungary reported its highest level of infections - with 11,289 new cases in a population of 10 million. A third booster jab will be made mandatory for health workers from Saturday, along with masks in most enclosed spaces.

Tighter restrictions also come into force in Belgium on Saturday, requiring working from home for four days a week.

Is Europe heading for lockdown?​

Analysis box by James Gallagher, health and science correspondent

There are only two ways for countries to slow the spread of Covid - build up enough immunity or limit contact between other people.
That wall of immunity - from a year of vaccination - is facing its first real test as winter rolls in across Europe.
It is already clear some countries - Austria being the most notable - have not vaccinated enough and feel the "need" to go back to restrictions that nobody "wants".
But it does not mean that every country is doomed to a winter lockdown.
Those that have vaccinated more, given boosters to more and protected more of the vulnerable and elderly (who are the most likely to need hospital care) have the best shot at a manageable winter.
The impact of the UK having high levels of Covid through autumn, which will have topped up immunity levels, will be closely watched too.
However, it is still only November. There are many dark months to get through before the weather improves and makes it harder for Covid to spread.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The more you lockdown and vaccinate the worse it seems to get. Could vaccines actually make the immune system weaker?


Going back to normal??? I don't think so. Austria is locking down everyone and many other Euro countries who were not as smart as Sweden are following suit in rapid succession.

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Germany would have fared better if more of their citizens had taken the vaccine and not listen to idiots like you

But like I said : it's your job to entertain your bunch of morons and make them do the happy dance


If it was only the unvaxxed all well and good. The problem is that this isn't the case. It's the vaxxed who have found out to their dismay that the vaccines aren't actually vaccines after all.

Yup . As you say only the vaccinated are dying

Your bunch of clowns are gleeful and howling now


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
View attachment 127612

Germany would have fared better if more of their citizens had taken the vaccine and not listen to idiots like you

But like I said : it's your job to entertain your bunch of morons and make them do the happy dance

Sweden took nature's route and with the same vaccination rates is doing so much better. Same goes with Brazil despite lower vaccination rate.

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As for India it is the star performer despite a vaccination rate of less than 30%!!!

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Wait till this group land here.

Singapore, India reach agreement on resumption of passenger flights: CAAS​

Singapore's vaccinated travel lane (VTL) with India will start on November 29, with six designated flights daily from Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
View attachment 127615

Yup . As you say only the vaccinated are dying

Your bunch of clowns are gleeful and howling now

It's early days and there is no doubt that vaccines offer some protection initially. I've never argued the fact. What I'm questioning is the reliance on vaccines vs natural immunity. It looks like in the long term natural immunity might well win. Covid is a marathon not a sprint.



And look ! Once again you are absolutely correct !

Vaccine makes no difference in ICU admission!

The vaccines are not really vaccines after all

But you are right. Non mRNA is garbage . China will find out soon their Sino shit is nothing but water


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Damned I think the vaccines gave everyone a false sense of security. As protection wanes rapidly the virus is gleefully waiting to strike. It's avoiding those with natural immunity though because it knows the defenses of this category are far stronger.


Damned I think the vaccines gave everyone a false sense of security. As protection wanes rapidly the virus is gleefully waiting to strike. It's avoiding those with natural immunity though because it knows the defenses of this category are far stronger.

By all means . Let the unvaccinated go test your theory

I am sure you will send flowers and say sorry and pay for the ICU bill when they succumb


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
By all means . Let the unvaccinated go test your theory

I am sure you will send flowers and say sorry and pay for the ICU bill when they succumb

Those unvaccinated would be home free now had they been allowed to catch Covid last year and had already gained natural immunity when Delta came along. The government interfered with the process and should be held responsible for the current deaths of the unvaccinated.

Not only should their treatment be paid in full they should also be compensated with a $50,000 one off payment for their unnecessary suffering.


Those unvaccinated would be home free now had they been allowed to catch Covid last year and had already gained natural immunity when Delta came along. The government interfered with the process and should be held responsible for the current deaths of the unvaccinated.

Not only should their treatment be paid in full they should also be compensated with a $50,000 one off payment for their unnecessary suffering.

Unfortunately this is Singapore and the MMTF believes firmly in punitive measures for the stubborn and ill informed

They have the support of the 95% vaccinated


Indeed it’s a challenge to comprehend someone of severe and profound mental retardation

you are in the best position to understand his dumbfuckery

birds of a feather they say ….
hi blackie , how u doing ?? why u still angry , cannot get over the feeling of losing a discussion ah ?
why u indian speak with forked tongue ?