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Cover Up to respect (Guess the race...)


Cover up to ‘respect’ Muslims, Mufti tells non-Muslims in dress code rows

KUALA LUMPUR, June 28 ― Non-Muslims should dress more “appropriately” in public places out of “respect” for Muslims who will sin upon seeing people, including non-Muslims, who do not cover their “aurat”, Perak Mufti Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria said amid the controversy surrounding conservative dress codes enforced at government departments.

“Even when we wear properly but we see other people who show their ‘aurat’, it is haram,” Harussani told Malay Mail Online yesterday.

“They should show respect for Muslims and dress more appropriately; they cannot be showing their thighs. It is not wrong for them to dress how they like, but they must be considerate because when we bump into them at public places and see this, it is considered haram for us (Muslims),” the conservative cleric added.

Harussani said Malaysians should be more open to the idea of non-Muslims dressing “appropriately” as Malaysia is seen as an “Islamic role model country”.

Harussani was commenting on the recent spate of controversies where non-Muslim women were stopped from entering public institutions such as a Penang courthouse, a Road Transport Department (RTD) office, the Selangor state secretariat, and even a public hospital for wearing knee-length skirts and shorts that were deemed indecent.

Some security personnel from the government departments, whose staff are predominantly Malay-Muslims, even handed towels and sarongs to the women to cover up their legs in order to gain entry.

While most of the dress code controversies involved women, an ethnic Chinese man was forced last month to don long trousers to enter the Kuala Lumpur International Airport’s (KLIA) Baggage Services Lost and Found section after airport security told him his knee-length shorts were inappropriate.

According to mainstream Islamic teachings, a woman’s “aurat” is defined as the whole body, except for the face and palms, while for men, it is the part between the navel and knees.

Harussani’s comment that non-Muslims should “respect” Muslims with their dressing mirrors the remarks made by a Muslim teacher at a Kedah school who had recently told non-Muslim students not to drink in front of Muslim students during Ramadan.

News portal Malaysiakini also reported Tuesday Deputy Education Minister Mary Yap as saying that out of “respect” for Muslims, non-Muslims should avoid eating or drinking in front of them during the fasting month.

- See more at: http://m.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/a...h.xkDVsHik.dpuf


I do agree some points mentioned here. Malays should be more creative in dressing up and Chinese was once a well dressed nations that angmohs want to destroyed the. And indeed they did it druuging the Chinese for 150 years.

In the past, Qing, Tang or Han dynasty, Chinese dress well, male or female, covered their body well from government to civilians.



Until the farking knlbacccb angmohs drug trafficker came to drugged Asian Chinese and SEA and Borneo Chinese became a poor nation Chinese and Malaya has begin to lose their dress codes and cultures.

A once wealthy and cultured Asians was destroyed by angmohs from 1750- 1945 for 200 years drugging mainly Chinese.

There will not be Japanese invasion and WW2 in Asia if Chinese were not drugged and become poor nation by the evil British.

The raise of China today has showed us a might Chinese race will raise again to be a wealthy and formidable nation.

He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition burns a picture to obtain the ashes. Chinese Proverb

For over a century, Western nations trafficked in opium on a scale that dwarfs any modern Colombian multi billion dollar drug empire, yet today we Westerners know little about it. We don't learn about it in high school history--or even college, for that matter. I had an American professor in Xiamen tell me that he thought the war was fought to keep China from exporting opium.

Most Westerners by far opposed the trade. Even the British opposed it. The entire British parliament opposed the 2nd Opium War--and was dissolved. In the 1880s, when the U.S. made it illegal for Americans to engage in the opium trade, a Chinese leader said, "This is the first time that I've seen a Christian nation act like a Christian country." But the trafficking continued until, by the 1920s, fully half of Europe’s Asian profits derived from opium. While only asmall minority benefited from the trade, that minority controlled the fate of half the world's population in China and India, and dictated Western policy as well.


Cover up to ‘respect’ Muslims, Mufti tells non-Muslims in dress code rows

KUALA LUMPUR, June 28 ― Non-Muslims should dress more “appropriately” in public places out of “respect” for Muslims who will sin upon seeing people, including non-Muslims, who do not cover their “aurat”, Perak Mufti Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria said amid the controversy surrounding conservative dress codes enforced at government departments.

“Even when we wear properly but we see other people who show their ‘aurat’, it is haram,” Harussani told Malay Mail Online yesterday.

“They should show respect for Muslims and dress more appropriately; they cannot be showing their thighs. It is not wrong for them to dress how they like, but they must be considerate because when we bump into them at public places and see this, it is considered haram for us (Muslims),” the conservative cleric added.

Harussani said Malaysians should be more open to the idea of non-Muslims dressing “appropriately” as Malaysia is seen as an “Islamic role model country”.

According to mainstream Islamic teachings, a woman’s “aurat” is defined as the whole body, except for the face and palms, while for men, it is the part between the navel and knees.

Harussani’s comment that non-Muslims should “respect” Muslims with their dressing mirrors the remarks made by a Muslim teacher at a Kedah school who had recently told non-Muslim students not to drink in front of Muslim students during Ramadan.

News portal Malaysiakini also reported Tuesday Deputy Education Minister Mary Yap as saying that out of “respect” for Muslims, non-Muslims should avoid eating or drinking in front of them during the fasting month.

- See more at: http://m.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/a...h.xkDVsHik.dpuf
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