Most people in your world never made it to JC. They went to ITE mostly.
We're using the British education system here. They ruled over millions of moslems and even the various moslem sultans knelt as subjects before Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth.
I live in the same world as most of 8 billion others. Maybe you live in Mars or Uranus or seem to act like you do.
Outside of stinkypura nobody cares about JC or ITE, no such terms or ideas exist either. A peasant coolie frog in the well like you don't know much in any case.
The Brits force fed chinks opium and enslaved your CECA masters for 200 years.
Yet they were comfortably defeated by Afghans and also Turks in Anatolia.
Pakis did however serve their British masters loyally as subjects, going so far as to betray their Muslim brothers like Ottoman Turks. The Paki military is a relic of the British era, set up by the Brits and Paki military are brainwashed by Brits. Their military is a loyal subject of anglo yankee kuffar, that's true.
Their military never declared war against zionist terrorists or never could invade Delhi and cleanse it of CECA parasites. But at the behest of British installed king/monarch, they massacred Palestinians in Jordan. A treacherous backstabbing nation if it ever existed among Muslims, would be Pakis.
Ironically, all the other Middle Eastern countries treat Pakis as some sort of neutral and favourable Muslim country, this goes to show why they are all in deep sh*t.
The Brits are a nobody nowadays and ruled by Pakis like Sadiq Khan in London.
Their economy even smaller than lousy ASEAN or CECA virus nowadays. Their military tech is abysmal, mostly reliant on cobbling together parts from various countries and inviting foreign companies to operate on their shores much like Stinkypura coolies.
Basically Russkies can roll them over in a week or two.
Maybe lousy as they are, even Tiongs could do it.
By the way, more than a decade ago, Iran capture pommie troops in Persian Gulf, they couldn't do anything abt it except whine and moan.
Some time ago, they captured Iranian civilian ship in Gibraltar using bogus excuse, iran retaliated. Result is pommies kwai-kwai release Iranian ship.
just to jog your memory
Iran got more balls than all slanty puppet vassal states combined incl stinkypura japs gooks taiwanese jiuhu chinks + all others
Iran got more balls than pakis turkey saudi egypt morocco jordan uae kuwait oman qatar indon melayun niggeria etc other vassals and/or weak states
Iran's biggest limitation is it is a tiny country of only 80 million ppl, so they don't possess quantity
and then they also don't possess quality because they are not world's best in anything significant, particularly anything requiring intellect, brain, intelligence, inventiveness, industry, technology, scientific nous, originality or any higher human faculty.
so they lack quality as well.
well if you are lacking in quantity and also lacking in quality, then good luck in challenging all western countries combined (around 1 billion ppl together)
at least tiongs and ceca each got 1.4 billion ppl, even if quality is lacking due to sheer numbers, sheer volume, they can push their way around, and make their presence felt. not so easy to dominate them, conquer them, subjugate them, isolate them, sanction them, embargo them, malign them.
not the case for teeny tiny countries in the middle east where 80-100 million ppl is considered huuuuuuuge..
to put things in perspective
the entire middle east (ALL arabs+kurds+berbers+iran+turkey COMBINED) have less people than
1. Tiongkok (single country)
2. CECA virus (single country)
3. Nigger afros (one continent)
4. Latin America
5. even ASEAN got more people
6. maybe gayrope combined (western+eastern+northern+southern+central) also got more ppl
in other words, this middle east is one of the least populated regions in the entire world and dumf@rks were fooled by anglo gayropeans into believing that smaller population is better !!!
how dumb could they be?
bigger populations is always better
only countries with bigger populations can be strong countries, independent countries, superpower megapower gigapower hyperpower terapower peta power or whatever else zettapower you might concoct, only huge countries can become that.
not these pathetically teeny tiny countries with lowest populations that got their peoples killed displaced tortured murdered insulted by the millions whole countries ruined images ruined the sanctity of Islam insulted by kuffar worldwide, and yet these donkeys, in all their "borrowed wisdom" from their angmohkia gayropean masters who colonized them in the past, and therefore, who they look up to, think that smaller populations are better.
gullible morons like these may not even be found in ceca virus or nigger countries let alone tiongkok.
bigger populations are always better, ceteris paribus, no questions asked.
more so for strategic reasons.
if you want a stronger powerful independent country, yes, absolutely bigger population is a necessity.