Am afriad, I cannot find you in face book with that name and detail. An email from you would be better ?
I don't mind helping but I dare not reveal my email in this website. I did it once before in a Singapore forum blog and offered my help about 8 years ago (before the Newater) my email was immdiately flooded with hundreds of request for help to immigrate to Canada.
At the end I only have time to help a few poor souls and you know what, after helping them many of them never care to contact me let alone thank me. Just came and stayed away from us...the older exSingaporeans.
Is this the attitude of younger Singaporeans who are in their mid 30s and early 40s?
I don't know.
I am in the mid 50s.
Search again in the facebook or else you can tell me your facebook link and I will add you in.
The other alternative is write me. My office address is:
Bernard CHAN
9090-51 Ave
Edmonton, AB
Canada T6E 5X4
Please include your email address and then we can go from there. Any Singaporean who reads my forum is welcome to write me.
If you want to know who I am then go to your National library or MAIN branch libraries like the Jurong Library and look into the Straits Times Archies the LIFE page dated June 3, 1991. I was featured (full page) by the Straits Times ... only after I emigrated to Canada for good.
I do not hide myself and I also do not hide my feelings and opinions...I hate Lee Kuan Yew and I pity all those who are trapped in CHINgaPOOR. It is so obvious that the FTs have a huge advantage over the true-blue Singaporeans. The bloody N.S. reservist was very disruptive to my business and I am not sure whether other poor Singaporeans share my experience.
It's OK if you work for the govt. as the reservist might be just a "time off" from your office work. But for people like me who ran my own public speaking seminars, it suck big time.
I remembered the army took 3 weeks of my time for the reservist in-camp and I was to prove my income 6 months prior to the work out to be gross Sin few thousands of $ per month. They refused to pay me...only paid my N.S lance coporal pay of 3/4 of the $150! Their reason was that I could find a "replacement" for my work. A replacement to do my "public speaking" on study skills? Who can do it like me....failed primary 2 with perfect "x" scores and then later got my First Class Honours and follow on with a Master degree from the Imperial College, London U.?
I felt very much short-changed by "my own" country and the sacrifice was too much for me to bear...especially I saw many of the PR from Indonesia not having to do N.S. bec. Indonesia strongly opposes its citizens from serving a foreign army; they said and still maintaining it that it is against the international law to force a foreign citizen to serve a army.
Besides, my daughter was born with multiple illness...including a heart problem and back in 18 years ago I anticpated that the ocst of medical treatment will escalate in Singapore and I could be bankrupted by my daughter's medical bill. The obvious choice is to aa "escapee" as what Goh Chok Tong labelled us then.
The other factor was and still is the fact that Singapore was and is too HOT for us. 18 years ago I anticipated that it will not get cooler in Singapore 2 or 3 decades from then due to global warming. I was right. In fact yesterday in the CBC program on "ideas" it projected that in 10 years all the countries along the equator will see an increase of 4 degrees F in temp. Just a 2 degree F increase will destroy 80% of the rice crops if the heat is felt during the growing season! Extreme heat will be felt along the equator follow by increase of sea level.
Well that's 10 years from now and 30 years the most. I would be still alive to watch.
How's my life, well I am making big $ trading options...if you don't belive me then watch my I just bought 2 Call PBG Oct 35 @1.65. My BEP is thus $$36.65 and I predict that this stock (see it in will reach at least my target price of $40 which I will sell by the expiry date of Oct 09...i.e by the 3rd Friday of Oct 2009.
Watch for the rise to $40 before Oct 16, 2009 and then you know my worth and what Singapore has lost.
I got a A+ for my subject of Economatric in my MSc management science degree in Imperial College and I use the training in dealing with options.
If this failed then give me an SBLK should reach US $5 by Oct 16, 09 and SU (Suncor Energy) drop to $28 by 3rd Friday of Sept 2009.
I am
not giving options advice but I challenge all readers to monitor my ability in Yahoo Finance.