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I don't know if you're the real @AhMeng (welcome back!Coprolalia is involuntary swearing or the involuntary utterance of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks.
[STOP for a moment: Which moniker comes straight up to your mind? @ginfreely? Well, you must belong to the majority or maybe all the members here save for @ginfreely herself ]
Coprolalia comes from the Greek κόπρος (kopros) meaning "feces", and λαλιά (lalia) from lalein, "to talk". (Source : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coprolalia).
Literally, its called "Talk Shit!" or maybe the old @AhMeng in me will call @ginfreely a quintessential "Chee Bye Mouth".
But let's not get too technical with this word. I do not want this post of mine to be part of a medical journal nor delve into foul words relating to unpleasant POO(tra). My apologies to SAI POOtra ( ...errr... i mean @syed putra) for this twist of your name by the uncivilized Sumatran gorilla @AhMeng, whose soul seems to have miraculously permeated into my flesh and blood as I write this post (or perhaps I am indeed @AhMeng)!
Gosh, i am also becoming to sound like sista @Claire too (often writing in "cheem" lingo and high ses elitist manner). Perhaps, I should see a shrink after crazily viewing and liking 18,000 or thereabouts of sista @ginfreely's Coprolalia. For this, I truly and absolutely admire @killborat for his (or maybe her, or perhaps mixed gender) tenacious screen-scrolling and hyper clicking speed in the past week! Indeed it's worth giving him/her/"ghey" a frosty mug of Tiger beer!
For those who started their Sammyboy's journey in the highly organized and neat JB Section (many thanks to @wuqi256 for his hard work), you will probaby agree with me if I assert that the @ginfreely of early years was a positive and constructive contributor. She was sanguine, lucid and optimistically helpful to fellow members, who posted and requested for help - such as making a will or two wills for cross jurisdictional assets in Singapore and Malaysia. Another example of her helpfulness for newcomers was to offer comparison of car ownership costs, providing information on various property developments, exchange rate, renovation suggestions, location information such as supermarkets, international schools, so on and so forth.
I am not sure what were the cathartical catalysts that caused an almost irreversible 180-degree change in her. From her previous online posts, I can only surmise that poor investment returns, culture shock with her Mudlaysian (Oops, i mean Malaysian) neighbours or perhaps her void marriage with the handsome gentleman she loved, derailed her once charming and positive outlook.
I do sincerely (and truly) feel for her, as a fellow human being, and I do hope she can lift herself out of this personal mess, whether in her real or forumming life.
And to @ginfreely, take a break from this forum, have a kit kat! It generally works wonders.
Look at me, I am born again and repented (Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!) and no longer the utterly lousy and creative artist @AhMeng, who doesn't feel the slightest shame putting up substandard pictorial caricatures mocking at you, in the Trivia Section of this Forum.
Next, a whole bunch of "Copro" words have evolved from the word Coprolalia, namely Coprophrasia.
And Coprophrasia is the word I will use to describe the so-called "fearsome" clonehunters, anti-ginfreely gang (as evident in this thread). They pride themselves as "saviours" of this wonderful free speech forum with daily bashing on a near psychiatric (or maybe psychotic by now) woman, hoping to see her fall and never to stand up again.
Well, fyi, Coprophrasia, in simple parlance, means using words, pictures, gifs, videos that are distasteful and obscene, usually during sex , to arouse or increase your own sexual excitement.
I am certain you had your "manly" fun by poking fun or simply embedded irreconcilable hate at @ginfreely, linking her with broomsticks, public toilets, Patricia Ong Hwee Ling, Nusa Duta, firecrackers, desi, one big one small breasts etc etc.
In fact, each day when I view this Courtyard section, there seems to be no end (nor even shame) to all your self indulged "Coprophrasia attacks" on a poor and hapless @ginfreely, whom (I noticed of late) has already taken the trouble to avoid responding to each of your highly provocative "Coprophrasia postings".
Aren't you guys tired trolling a near psychotic woman?
No? Well, then continue your fun and entertainment (as my old @AhMeng soul will say). If she really drowns herself in the 120km long Sungei Johore one day, and end up rotting in the Striats of Johore, with other decomposed parts of her body reprocessed and recycled into our PUB taps, I guess you men will be much happier drinking her remains.
I will leave you here with a thought swirling in my frisky monkey brain right now...
If @ginfreely suffers from Coprolalia, you guys are no different (or maybe worse), as you are indeed chronic sufferers of both Coprolalia and Coprophrasia.
Flame me, troll me, clone-shoot me or whatever if you wish, for it really doesn't matter anymore.
I have reached a stage in life when nothing bothers me much, save for my love, with whom whenever I sleep next to her, I would hold her with my proud "mangina" hands (whilst she is fast asleep) and say a prayer ...
∼ "Dear God, please don't let any untoward events happen to her. If thy Father may, please substitute me in her place for whatever bad things that are to happen to her in the future, be it accident, cancer or any life threatening incidents. ∼
Namaste. May you guys find enlightenment. Allāhu Akbar!

As I have stated many times, I have no quarrel with that mad woman (oops sorry for that, I meant @ginfreely