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confirmed: sinkie woman is siao char bor


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
already happening with banglas.

View attachment 38436


A fling in the past turned into something much nastier for a 38-year-old married Singaporean woman.

She had a sexual relationship with a Bangladeshi national from 2007 to 2013, and broke up in 2014 when he returned to Bangladesh.

What she didn’t know was the Bangladeshi man had filmed them having sex on several occasions.

The 42-year-old returned to Singapore to work last year and that’s when he tried to resume their relationship.

As a bargaining chip to persuade the reluctant woman, he revealed that he had sex tapes of them.

To appease him and persuade him to delete the sex videos, she had sex with him multiple times.

What she didn’t expect was he had multiple copies of the videos.

Thinking she was in the clear, the woman began to ignore the advances of the Bangladeshi worker and his threats.

But on 6 April this year, the bomb dropped – he sent her husband and daughter via mobile phone a clip of them having sex.

The Bangladeshi worker pled guilty on Monday (23 May) to threatening the woman between the period of 27 March and 4 April this year.

He has been jailed for 5 months.

this sort of case quite common lah, Hubby not satisfying her or even more, not paying any attention to her. I have seen this type all the time, and fucked a few of them too. Usually, they go after angmo, quite surprising she go after Bangla. But really low caste apuneh shit. U already getting the milk for free, but still want to blackmail the cow? So fucking stupid. This sort of stupid Bangla can go to Lucky plaza any weekend and fuck lots of Pinays. why need to blackmail her and go to jail. Send the sex vid to her daughter too. That is really tastely indian shit. PAPsmearer also got take vids and pics before with his FWBs, but must always ask permission lah. I also show them all the pics and vids after I take it, for their approval and also to make sure the face does not show. But I never film it secretly like this Bangla shit. This type of women, sometimes not confident in their english or not comfortable with angmo, so go for bangla. If a chinese guy show her some attention, that would be the first choice. There is a lot of untapped pussy in this sort of category in zikapore. But tikos prefer to go after SYT from Thailand, and elsewhere. Sometimes, its good to fuck a MILF now and then.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
already happening with banglas.

View attachment 38436


A fling in the past turned into something much nastier for a 38-year-old married Singaporean woman.

She had a sexual relationship with a Bangladeshi national from 2007 to 2013, and broke up in 2014 when he returned to Bangladesh.

What she didn’t know was the Bangladeshi man had filmed them having sex on several occasions.

The 42-year-old returned to Singapore to work last year and that’s when he tried to resume their relationship.

As a bargaining chip to persuade the reluctant woman, he revealed that he had sex tapes of them.

To appease him and persuade him to delete the sex videos, she had sex with him multiple times.

What she didn’t expect was he had multiple copies of the videos.

Thinking she was in the clear, the woman began to ignore the advances of the Bangladeshi worker and his threats.

But on 6 April this year, the bomb dropped – he sent her husband and daughter via mobile phone a clip of them having sex.

The Bangladeshi worker pled guilty on Monday (23 May) to threatening the woman between the period of 27 March and 4 April this year.

He has been jailed for 5 months.

Aiyah, this picture better, right?



Alfrescian (Inf)
this sort of case quite common lah, Hubby not satisfying her or even more, not paying any attention to her. I have seen this type all the time, and fucked a few of them too. Usually, they go after angmo, quite surprising she go after Bangla. But really low caste apuneh shit. U already getting the milk for free, but still want to blackmail the cow? So fucking stupid. This sort of stupid Bangla can go to Lucky plaza any weekend and fuck lots of Pinays. why need to blackmail her and go to jail. Send the sex vid to her daughter too. That is really tastely indian shit. PAPsmearer also got take vids and pics before with his FWBs, but must always ask permission lah. I also show them all the pics and vids after I take it, for their approval and also to make sure the face does not show. But I never film it secretly like this Bangla shit. This type of women, sometimes not confident in their english or not comfortable with angmo, so go for bangla. If a chinese guy show her some attention, that would be the first choice. There is a lot of untapped pussy in this sort of category in zikapore. But tikos prefer to go after SYT from Thailand, and elsewhere. Sometimes, its good to fuck a MILF now and then.
wah! spoken like a highly sexperienced mudderfugger. lol!


Alfrescian (Inf)
41 still fuckable lah. she still has about 6.9 years to go before menopause starts to kick in. at that age it's more about possessiveness not so much sex. every sinkie woman needs love, especially the resident of 38 oxley cul de sac.

If you can give love to that resident at of 38 Oxley cul de sac....you must be E.T. & must be rewarded with ten 1 kilo bar of .99999 gold bars; worth your weight in gold or maybe stardusts?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I know those types. U fuck her one time, next morning want to set wedding date. wah lau eh. U don't know the meaning of Booty Call meh?
Met some of these plump matronly 40 + years old. working in kindergarten or something, so they never meet any men at their workplace. But they have all these criteria. Must have body like Ryan Reynolds, face like Tom Cruise, butt like Denzel, lancheow like Ron Jeremy, must have car, must be rich, etc. I look at them and wonder what are they bringing to the table. If some guy got all of these requirements, why would they want to go out with you? can u fuck like a porn star? Cannot, then shut the fuck up. All of them are living in some fantasy world.

Martin Luther King says, " I have a dream"...so does these plump, matronly 40+...they may add MLK type to the dream, for it was rumoured they are endowed..



this sort of case quite common lah, Hubby not satisfying her or even more, not paying any attention to her. I have seen this type all the time, and fucked a few of them too. Usually, they go after angmo, quite surprising she go after Bangla. But really low caste apuneh shit. U already getting the milk for free, but still want to blackmail the cow? So fucking stupid. This sort of stupid Bangla can go to Lucky plaza any weekend and fuck lots of Pinays. why need to blackmail her and go to jail. Send the sex vid to her daughter too. That is really tastely indian shit. PAPsmearer also got take vids and pics before with his FWBs, but must always ask permission lah. I also show them all the pics and vids after I take it, for their approval and also to make sure the face does not show. But I never film it secretly like this Bangla shit. This type of women, sometimes not confident in their english or not comfortable with angmo, so go for bangla. If a chinese guy show her some attention, that would be the first choice. There is a lot of untapped pussy in this sort of category in zikapore. But tikos prefer to go after SYT from Thailand, and elsewhere. Sometimes, its good to fuck a MILF now and then.

You know what? You do sound like that loser who loves to tell others that he is from Canada and is a doctor. Yes yes, you fuck many women and you do vids and you must have integrity and be fair to women who allow you to take the vids back home. Amazing!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
She is so fucking old at 41 years of age, no sinkie man will touch her. Her cheebye is already got cobwebs on it. Her last chance is this FT loser let in by the PAP
Alamak 41 yrs old also got gem de leh. Haha but too bad is not her.:biggrin:
Michelle Reis 47 yrs old liao leh.


How much did this old unwanted cunt pay the ah Tiong to screw her before the relationship soured?