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confirmed: sinkie woman is siao char bor


Alfrescian (Inf)
guess the race. so desperate she can do anything for a fuck....

Woman tried to frame ex-boyfriend by giving false police tip-off on his work status

Wan Ting Koh,Yahoo News Singapore 10 hours ago


Unhappy over a failed relationship, a woman called the police under a pseudonym and fed them a false “tip-off” that her ex-boyfriend was working in Singapore without a valid pass.

Singaporean Yong See See, 41, had stolen the work permit of her ex-boyfriend Huang Shuang Yue, a 34-year-old Chinese national, four days before reporting him to the police.

On Wednesday (24 January), Yong was fined the maximum $5,000 after she pleaded guilty to one count of giving false information to a police officer, causing the officer to start investigations against Huang.

Another count of stealing Huang’s belongings, including his work permit, driving license and cash amounting to $60, and one count of unlawful stalking of another man was taken into consideration for sentencing.

Huang, who has been in Singapore for some two years, was working at Kim Keat Link’s Giant Supermarket at the time of his ex-girlfriend’s offence.

Huang and Yong were dating but Huang broke off the relationship around 1 February 2017. On 14 February that year, Yong went to Huang’s house to talk to him. While Huang was showering, Yong stole his wallet, which contained his work permit, driver’s license and cash before leaving.

Huang made a police report the next day stating that Yong had stolen his belongings. The police later interviewed Yong, who denied stealing the items. She also said that Huang had mental problems and had lodged a police report out of anger.

On 19 February last year, a police officer from the Toa Payoh Neighbourhood Police Centre received a call from a woman identifying herself as “Mrs Liang”, who claimed that Huang was working at the Giant Supermarket outlet in Kim Keat Link without a valid permit. “Mrs Liang” said she was unacquainted with Huang and asked the police to check on him.

As a result of the call, the police investigated the claim and recorded Huang’s statement at the Giant Supermarket outlet a while later.

Yong maintained the lie in a statement given to the police later that afternoon and a separate statement on 3 August.

Investigations later revealed that Yong had made the call under the identity of “Mrs Liang”, knowing that the police would investigate Huang, whose permit she had stolen.

The prosecution sought a jail sentence of three weeks for Yong while her lawyer, Foo Cheow Ming, asked for a “significant fine”.

Foo described Yong’s actions as a “clumsy attempt to cause mischief” and that Yong has since learned a “painful lesson”. While a police team was activated to record Huang’s statement, no one had their good name “besmirched”, the lawyer added.

In sentencing Yong, District Judge Jasvender Kaur took into account Yong’s emotional state as it followed her recent breakup with Huang. The DJ noted that the false allegations against Huang could have been easily discovered and that there was no serious impact on Huang.

For giving the police false information, Yong could have been jailed up to one year, and/or fined $5,000.


It is a crime to give false report, isn’t it? Sinkies really do indeed commit more crimes. :eek:


Alfrescian (Inf)
A singaporean woman dating a work permit prc guy alrdy proven she has mental problem.o_O


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
A singaporean woman dating a work permit prc guy alrdy proven she has mental problem.o_O

She is so fucking old at 41 years of age, no sinkie man will touch her. Her cheebye is already got cobwebs on it. Her last chance is this FT loser let in by the PAP


Alfrescian (Inf)
She is so fucking old at 41 years of age, no sinkie man will touch her. Her cheebye is already got cobwebs on it. Her last chance is this FT loser let in by the PAP
41 still fuckable lah. she still has about 6.9 years to go before menopause starts to kick in. at that age it's more about possessiveness not so much sex. every sinkie woman needs love, especially the resident of 38 oxley cul de sac.


Old Fart
41 still fuckable lah. she still has about 6.9 years to go before menopause starts to kick in. at that age it's more about possessiveness not so much sex. every sinkie woman needs love, especially the resident of 38 oxley cul de sac.
Yes, 41 is still a pretty good fuck. Unless she looks like a bulldog, which I suspect this Yong See See is. Else, why need to go for a lowly chink on a work permit?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes, 41 is still a pretty good fuck. Unless she looks like a bulldog, which I suspect this Yong See See is. Else, why need to go for a lowly chink on a work permit?
lowly chink has energy. can cover the face and bomb the base to keep her motor mouth shut. once he cums and rolls over hell begins and her mouth keeps going like energizer bunny. any man would run like shit when a woman yaps all day and night. :biggrin:


Old Fart
lowly chink has energy. can cover the face and bomb the base to keep her motor mouth shut. once he cums and rolls over hell begins and her mouth keeps going like energizer bunny. any man would run like shit when a woman yaps all day and night. :biggrin:
You are probably right. Those chinks can really wolf down bowls after bowls of white rice. So they have tons of carbs and energy. He probably jack-hammered her into multiple orgasms at every session. She is also a poor and horny bitch. Those with money will post a personal ad on Locanto to look for sugar toyboys.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Look around your work place and there is a good chance that the ones selling out to foreigners are usually women-esp those clamouring for high positions.
They do not need to serve NS and the Women's Charter is there to protect them-so they feel special and privileged just like foreigners and are more likely to vote for the PAP.
mark my words-its a women that will be the downfall of the red dot-the ones losing billions and yet have time to 'tidy up the house'


Blessings of Lee be upon you, my childe. Yes, it is indeed our great fortune that the House of Lee is especially blessed to have a daughter in law who puts family first. The nation will surely prosper under the stewardship of the young Prince who shows much promise.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
41 still fuckable lah. she still has about 6.9 years to go before menopause starts to kick in. at that age it's more about possessiveness not so much sex. every sinkie woman needs love, especially the resident of 38 oxley cul de sac.

41 years old still not married in zikapore, must be a butt ugly bitch. At least Ling is rich. this cow is just a lowly peasant living in a flat in Toa Payoh. The FT PRC probably found a richer pussy and upgraded.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
lowly chink has energy. can cover the face and bomb the base to keep her motor mouth shut. once he cums and rolls over hell begins and her mouth keeps going like energizer bunny. any man would run like shit when a woman yaps all day and night. :biggrin:

I can safely say she must be butt ugly or fat or unskilled in sex. Usually, lau cheebyes like this will go for angmo tuakee. Angmo idiots will fuck any asian pussy with a skirt regardless of age or looks. The fact she cannot even hook an angmo and has to resort to PRC FT is a good indication of her looks. Next stop for her is Indian apuneh.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are probably right. Those chinks can really wolf down bowls after bowls of white rice. So they have tons of carbs and energy. He probably jack-hammered her into multiple orgasms at every session. She is also a poor and horny bitch. Those with money will post a personal ad on Locanto to look for sugar toyboys.
can see some of them sweating it out while clearing tables at hawker centers and sinkie aunties going gaga over their sweaty polos. there’s no doubt sinkie aunties are sexually depraved and deprived. one grab of pussy and they melt like ice kacang in tropical heat.


Alfrescian (Inf)
41 years old still not married in zikapore, must be a butt ugly bitch. At least Ling is rich. this cow is just a lowly peasant living in a flat in Toa Payoh. The FT PRC probably found a richer pussy and upgraded.
know of so many sinkie women in their 40s who are still single and looking. not good lookers themselves their criteria is very high. they are looking for mr. perfect. cannot settle for less. but when heat cums and cheebye gets wet they can be sexploited for a good bang. and their wild side can consume the fucker. very dangerous, one fuck and they go ocd on you. very hard to shake them off as they will harass you night and day. there’s one nearby my place who is eyeing me all the time. keeps texting me night and day, and i haven’t fucked her yet. i know if i were to do it, it would be hell on earth after that. would need to shoot 6.9 times per day to sextisfy her. can see it in her hungry eyes. shudder. yikes!


Alfrescian (Inf)
I can safely say she must be butt ugly or fat or unskilled in sex. Usually, lau cheebyes like this will go for angmo tuakee. Angmo idiots will fuck any asian pussy with a skirt regardless of age or looks. The fact she cannot even hook an angmo and has to resort to PRC FT is a good indication of her looks. Next stop for her is Indian apuneh.
already happening with banglas.



A fling in the past turned into something much nastier for a 38-year-old married Singaporean woman.

She had a sexual relationship with a Bangladeshi national from 2007 to 2013, and broke up in 2014 when he returned to Bangladesh.

What she didn’t know was the Bangladeshi man had filmed them having sex on several occasions.

The 42-year-old returned to Singapore to work last year and that’s when he tried to resume their relationship.

As a bargaining chip to persuade the reluctant woman, he revealed that he had sex tapes of them.

To appease him and persuade him to delete the sex videos, she had sex with him multiple times.

What she didn’t expect was he had multiple copies of the videos.

Thinking she was in the clear, the woman began to ignore the advances of the Bangladeshi worker and his threats.

But on 6 April this year, the bomb dropped – he sent her husband and daughter via mobile phone a clip of them having sex.

The Bangladeshi worker pled guilty on Monday (23 May) to threatening the woman between the period of 27 March and 4 April this year.

He has been jailed for 5 months.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
know of so many sinkie women in their 40s who are still single and looking. not good lookers themselves their criteria is very high. they are looking for mr. perfect. cannot settle for less. but when heat cums and cheebye gets wet they can be sexploited for a good bang. and their wild side can consume the fucker. very dangerous, one fuck and they go ocd on you. very hard to shake them off as they will harass you night and day. there’s one nearby my place who is eyeing me all the time. keeps texting me night and day, and i haven’t fucked her yet. i know if i were to do it, it would be hell on earth after that. would need to shoot 6.9 times per day to sextisfy her. can see it in her hungry eyes. shudder. yikes!

I know those types. U fuck her one time, next morning want to set wedding date. wah lau eh. U don't know the meaning of Booty Call meh?
Met some of these plump matronly 40 + years old. working in kindergarten or something, so they never meet any men at their workplace. But they have all these criteria. Must have body like Ryan Reynolds, face like Tom Cruise, butt like Denzel, lancheow like Ron Jeremy, must have car, must be rich, etc. I look at them and wonder what are they bringing to the table. If some guy got all of these requirements, why would they want to go out with you? can u fuck like a porn star? Cannot, then shut the fuck up. All of them are living in some fantasy world.