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[Confirmed] GST increase to 8% in Jan 2023, then to 9% in jan 2024


The whole point is that PAP wants to collect more tax from rich people like me, not from losers like you! So the PAP gives you rebates to offset whatever GST they collect from you.
If that is the case of helping losers like me, then to make it more authentic, they have to reimburse everyone during the whole period of the gst 8 and 9%, and not only a one off thing.


Obviously, what they reimburse is just a tiny fraction of what they collect in additional tax revenue.

But the propagandist media will use that reimbursement to hype up the narrative of a caring, compassionate and generous PAP govt. :biggrin:
So high IQ Singaporeans will fall for that?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If that is the case of helping losers like me, then to make it more authentic, they have to reimburse everyone during the whole period of the gst 8 and 9%, and not only a one off thing.

The PAP will reimburse you periodically during these two years. The total amount paid out to you will cover the increase in GST for the next 5 years.


time to make your own longterm plans and get the fuck out of here, no point arguing, will miss the food though


The PAP will reimburse you periodically during these two years. The total amount paid out to you will cover the increase in GST for the next 5 years.
U can't predict what will be the cost of living in the near future. Anything cna happen. Please don't play god in front of the people. If you are of any good, then don't increase any tax. Who can guarantee that the cost cover will be in how many years plus every individual cost of living is vastly different from each other. Are u telling me a one side fits all bullshit like what the vaccine is. Death and injuries of so many from the Jab. One size fits all.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
U can't predict what will be the cost of living in the near future. Anything cna happen. Please don't play god in front of the people.

Thanks to PAP, sinkies have enjoyed nearly 60 years of continued stability and prosperity. PAP knows better than you how to manage the finances of our country. Please don't play expert when you aren't.

Death and injuries of so many from the Jab. One size fits all.

Our death and injuries figures are public. You're welcome to move to other countries if you think they are doing a better job in managing the covid pandemic.

Want to move to US or Canada, or endure chinkland's frequent lockdowns?


Thanks to PAP, sinkies have enjoyed nearly 60 years of continued stability and prosperity. PAP knows better than you how to manage the finances of our country. Please don't play expert when you aren't.
You seems to equate history with current, numerous change of leadership capabilities and you take it as one size fits all again. No wonder 90% of the population gotton jabbed foolishly. Fooly vaxxed.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You seems to equate history with current, numerous change of leadership capabilities and you take it as one size fits all again. No wonder 90% of the population gotton jabbed foolishly. Fooly vaxxed.

People vote for political parties based on past track records. The past record of oppies range from absolutely nothing to other shenanigans like defamation, lying on postage and taxi claims, giving of town council contracts to cronies, lying in Parliament repeatedly and lying before a COP.


People vote for political parties based on past track records.
What sort of track record? 19k cases while 90% fooly vaxxed, with mask and covid restrictions? Many voters are dumb and naïve as fuck and based on sweet words and empty promises by useless politicians. With this level of IQ = to 90% fooly vaxxed, i am not convinced they are wise voters. And yes, actually believe the state owned media bull crap make up stories.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
What sort of track record?

Track record of vast majority of sinkies surviving covid healthy and with mild illness. Track record of steering sinkies through uncertain times and giving them 60 years of stability and prosperity while the rest of ASEAN remains in Third World league.


Track record of vast majority of sinkies surviving covid healthy and with mild illness
Telegram Singapore vaccine injuries, go check it out

Track record of steering sinkies through uncertain times and giving them 60 years of stability and prosperity while the rest of ASEAN remains in Third World league.
By raising GST and cost of living? giving citizenships by thousands to foreigners and with the eventual losing of Singapore identity? Bullying of oppositions and human rights activists? So as to achieve prosperity and stability?

That is why i say voters are dumb and the karma is that they took the fatal covid jab and waiting to die.