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[Confirmed] GST increase to 8% in Jan 2023, then to 9% in jan 2024





Alfrescian (Inf)
With the profligate spending during the scamdemic, perhaps raising it to 20% might be more helpful to recoup all the money flushed down the toilet.

Then have an additional luxury goods tax, and a property tax. Huat ah!


Actuallee my uncle has no problem with increasing gst onlee that gst should not be imposed on medical treatments and consumables KNN becas medical stuff is a no choice things whereas enjoyment stuff is optional I.e you want you pay for it. From this you can tell how fucking clear minded my uncle is as a human being. Pls do not pay and then kpkb :cool: you will not die or less 1 strain of hair for not consuming those items. Fucking bastard pap doesn't know what is mandatory and optional.
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Actuallee my uncle has no problem with increasing gst onlee that gst should not be imposed on medical treatments and consumables KNN becas medical stuff is a no choice things whereas enjoyment stuff is optional I.e you want you pay for it. From this you can tell how fucking clear minded my uncle is as a human being. Pls do not pay and then kpkb :cool: you will not die or less 1 strain of hair for not consuming those items. Fucking bastard pap doesn't know what is mandatory and optional.
You anti consume everyone anti consume end up also gst will leeduce mah KNN 自己咯类税


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
This is to help the poor so it's for an honorable cause.

I would like to thank the PAP for being such a caring organisation.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The PAP already said they would reimburse sinkies for around 5 years worth of GST increases through rebates and cash. Where else can you find such a good government? Majulah PAP!


I will take this opportunity to raise prices for sure. time to screw over the consumers. it's important to keep the peasants poor. can't have them running around thinking they have achieved financial freedom and start voting against the government.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I will take this opportunity to raise prices for sure. time to screw over the consumers. it's important to keep the peasants poor. can't have them running around thinking they have achieved financial freedom and start voting against the government.

And if they're too busy to make ends meet, they won't have time to think dangerous thoughts about democracy etc. :sneaky:

This previous post of mine is timeless, all daft Sinkies should get acquainted with it soon:



Only in SG....increasing GST is to help the poor and the poor collecting cardboards is exercising.

SG is a country for the poor.


In these times of covid-19 pandemic,only Pap govt die die must increase GST.Why so kancheong must increase GST ? scared no money to pay for ministers' salaries?
Got money to invest billions in China and India but no money for local infrastructure expenditure ? Why reimbursement for GST Rebates only for 5 years ? Reimbursements should be for life to the people since GST Increase is for life. But then,if there is no GST increase,there is no need for Reimbursements for GST Rebates or LPPL.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dun increase no need reimburse. What is the whole point?

Obviously, what they reimburse is just a tiny fraction of what they collect in additional tax revenue.

But the propagandist media will use that reimbursement to hype up the narrative of a caring, compassionate and generous PAP govt. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Dun increase no need reimburse. What is the whole point?

The whole point is that PAP wants to collect more tax from rich people like me, not from losers like you! So the PAP gives you rebates to offset whatever GST they collect from you.