Commuters watch as man attacks her on bus
Passenger in lower deck urges driver to stop, another later intervenes
By Lim Wei Li
July 09, 2010
A bus ride for a 33-year-old woman turned into 30 minutes of terror.
Ms Linda Teo, an administration manager, claimed she was beaten up by a male passenger.
Through it all, other passengers watched but did nothing to help. She had little choice but to fight back, she said.
Ms Teo said the attack happened on July 3 at 6.15pm on SBS Transit bus service 30.
A passenger who had come on board at a bus stop in Pasir Panjang became aggressive with her.
Ms Teo said they then argued but the man suddenly smashed his body against hers, causing her head to hit the window of the bus.
He grabbed her by the neck and hit her on the head repeatedly, and she punched him back a few times.
Ms Teo said: "I was shouting for someone to ask the bus driver to call the police, but no one did."
Two passengers finally tried to intervene.
Later, Ms Teo filed a police report about the incident. Police confirmed that a report was lodged and the matter is under investigation.