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Comments left CNA's FB page reveal public feeling extremely disheartened about LHL and PAP government


The minority peasants cannot wrap their heads around the fact that its a raciat party. I dont blame them. The two black pap snakes cannot either.


I don't know why LHL need to have 2 women to protect his ass ?
One is Ho Ching and Malay President.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I don't know why LHL need to have 2 women to protect his ass ?
One is Ho Ching and Malay President.

Because Pinky is a bapok who graduated from a girls' school.



Alfrescian (Inf)
70% are busy enjoying the fruits of Lee Hsien Loong’s hard labor during Chinese New Year so did not come in to support him. 30% losers so free CNY nothing to do come in to fuck him. Just wait and see.

It is the lean & mean that runs faster in time of danger...those 70% fat pigs, will be roasted when the country called SINGAPORE, is in one.