Correction, its meant for "middle income" folks. The poor cannot afford that.
There are 4 categories that the PAP government looked at the people living in Singapore.
The poor - They couldnt care less. Only election time, lots of ang bows will be given out to buy their votes.
The middle income - They will care a little bit, as they contribute some income taxes to them.
The rich - They worship and fear them like Gods. Afraid that they will be sued if the PAP government doesnt bother about their complains.
The Foreign Talents - Treated them like their own children, as if without them Singapore will die. Give them free scholarships, free bonds, free of anything they can think of just to keep them here.
The Singaporean Guys - National Services, RT (Remedial Training), IPPT, Reservits, DB(Detention Barrack), underpaid cheap labours, all these jobs are for you to do and not for the Foreign Talents.
So this is the country that I live in, Singapore, I remember the pledge that I used to say during my school days, " We the citizens of Singapore, Pledge ourselves to one unite people, regardless of race, language or religion, to Build a Democratic Society, Based on JUSTICE and EQUALITY...."
Talk about JUSTICE and EQUALITY, what a crab!!!